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Ability to block phone numbers

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Well-known member
Brief Summary: Introduce the ability to block phone numbers

Detailed Suggestion: As above, it would be great if we could block peoples numbers who are trolling. 

The Pros: You could stop prank calls from trolls and it's realistic. 

The Cons: None

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? No

Possibly an option to block any 'Unknown Callers' would be good too.

If you get a phone call, UI gets buggy when changing clothes and you get stuck on that screen, the same goes for stocking the shop, playing the DJ booth etc. Would be good to put the phone on silent or an option to automatically reject phone calls. +1

Father Augustus posted some good suggestions for phones already, but this would be good to further expand on those. Thankfully I've not been harassed or pestered by someone I don't want to hear from but I'm sure it's only a matter of time and a different story for others.


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