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A moan about decent roleplay

Well just to put it out like this for gangs that could help a bit. If the person co-operates they get a reward and can keep there vehicle. sometimes its like a highway, one moment your flying ahead with quality then slugged down in the middle of traffic with sour flavor. This often rare or commonly happens as newer gangs see this to make quickly easy money with "Zero Risk" Why I say this is because I am a cop, as a cop I know we often get tied up too much in drug dealers - HM Treasury or common hostage situation. Simply I like to say yes its our fault 80% of the time because majority of the new recruits have very little to no experience or how role play works on the server.  But yes these fine gentlemen are learning. Further to do is HUGE majority of people know its easier to kill rebels/police to get the full bounty. When people actually role play they get a full amount or some times half. But consider its a much easier and a lot less stressful. It amazes me the excuses but further more the simplicity of it. You could be saving your troubles of getting gear, but yes most differently that sounds like crap. I recall one time seeing someone get robbed and executed over copper... and gentlemen wearing full rebel gear with MK-1's... not that's its bs or any of it. Its fair and role playable. But I'd say for anyone let the other side speak at least or not make it a such aggressive and not fun encounter. We litterly are the role models of the community and how people view it, keep that in mind.

Also people swear to much now like being told "shut your f****** mouth or ill shoot you in the face you C***" also over using swear words in roleplay its just pathetic. Yes! you may play as a angry roleplayer but this is still and adult community with serious roleplay.
I dont think swearing is what takes away from the roleplay. It's the shit roleplay that takes away from the roleplay. Lets try not to lump in something that has nothing to do with poor roleplay. I should be allowed to swear as much as I want, as long as the quality of roleplay is still good.

In regards to the post, shit roleplay that only ticks the boxes for rules should definitely be a reportable offense, I agree with Vladic. The fact that people are just stopping the person from actually attempting any level of roleplay should also be an offense; no avenue should be closed for any player as to make sure that there is always a ways to get out of something.

Also what is it with people just acting like absolute pricks in game? Such a boring state of roleplay. No personality to their characters at all.

Just had a thought - Can someone tag a high up Police in this?

How about a new law called - Conduct Unbecoming Of An Altis Citizen.

This gives the cops an in-game way to give out tickets for things like crap roleplay, inappropriate swearing and and WTF stuff like doing dance/ninja emotes in the middle of the road in Kavala. I'm all for a bit of swearing, but it's a bit much when you are in a NHS uniform, walk past a truck and the owner shouts 'Get the f*** away from my truck you C*** '. It's like.. Woah, Settle down dude (I won't name names) - If you shouted that in real life you'd get punched.

Perhaps make it so that only a certain level of cop can do those tickets, and also cops that are trusted in the community to make the right call on roleplay standards and if swearing is warranted.
Just to say there is a law for this cant rember what its called but we don't enforce unless somebody is acting the goat for no reason but as a police officer you get a lot of shit from civ its disgusting like i can take joke but when you get constant abuse by some one and fine them for it they say you can go fuck your 10k ticket and say something about your mum its like common are 12 or some thing if your here to roleplay do so in a fashion suitable don't just go round harrsing officers with poor rp i dont mean for this to be a rant its just my opinoin and dont get me wrong i get great rp most of the time but when enoughs a enough just stop and walk away and take it serious 

@StarskyYou are right, and both things are linked. People are being nasty because they can, and as a result use really foul language for no actual reason. If they already have a gun pointed at you, why swear? They are already in a position of power. The victim kindof has an excuse to swear - These guys are robbing him, but know that if you are too over the top, you will annoy your aggressors who will just shoot you to shut you up.

So yeah, don't ban swearing - Thats a silly idea, but when you revive a guy next to a cop and the first words out of his mouth are 'F off you C-ing cop', I'd be tempted to say 'Looks like he needs to be put down, officer, would you do the honours -  Oh no theres nothing I can do. DNR.'

@PC JammalCammalHas hit it right on the nose - 

Remember guys - There is a real person controlling that character, and they are here to play a game same as you are. It's not a fun experience to be called all these names for no reason. This is not Call Of Duty.

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Can I just point out that swearing with intent to insult should be punished if constant for an example "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING C***T". I dont agree with this.

But as a 23 year old playing in an "adult community" I should have the choice to swear if my character sees fit.

I unfortunately swear a lot when I game, I just try my best to keep it to a level where I am not aiming it at people. I said stuff like "Dude, your MY fucking hostage" ect ect. 

if its GET ON THE FLOOR U ****. Report pls

Can I just point out that swearing with intent to insult should be punished if constant for an example "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING C***T". I dont agree with this.

But as a 23 year old playing in an "adult community" I should have the choice to swear if my character sees fit.

I unfortunately swear a lot when I game, I just try my best to keep it to a level where I am not aiming it at people. I said stuff like "Dude, your MY fucking hostage" ect ect. 

if its GET ON THE FLOOR U ****. Report pls
i mean when your in an adult community its fine when its doing because you can thats when its you just look like a fool who cant roleplay

I see this in real life roleplay (Yeah yeah, I larp - Not much, but still) - People will intentionally have characters that are assholes because they can get away with saying stuff that they can't in real life, and say 'Thats what my character would do'. Great excuse for being an asshole. Not. (Don't even get me started on people who are 'Secretly Evil')  

Personally I'm used to it because of this and can deal with people who are like that. You fight back with epic roleplay. This thread has turned into an anti-swearing thing, but the main point was that telling someone to Not Speak At All while threatening them robs them off an opportunity to play the game. You might get away with a few hundred k, but you've left the victim penniless, insulted and stranded/dead without even a cool story to show for it. That victim may just leave the community for that, and would be fully justified in doing so. So, well done - You made the community that much weaker for some virtual fake money.

Can I just point out that swearing with intent to insult should be punished if constant for an example "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING C***T". I dont agree with this.

But as a 23 year old playing in an "adult community" I should have the choice to swear if my character sees fit.

I unfortunately swear a lot when I game, I just try my best to keep it to a level where I am not aiming it at people. I said stuff like "Dude, your MY fucking hostage" ect ect. 

if its GET ON THE FLOOR U ****. Report pls
If i do recall a certain someone was banned for calling someone else's dad or grandfather a "fucking nazi". The person that they said this to was in fact German and had been metagamed by the insulter in question.

If you feel you're being insulted for no wanton reason I would say its a case for reporting.

If i do recall a certain someone was banned for calling someone else's dad or grandfather a "fucking nazi". The person that they said this to was in fact German and had been metagamed by the insulter in question.

If you feel you're being insulted for no wanton reason I would say its a case for reporting.
I got called a Mexican C*nt in game the otherday because I wouldn't sing a song. Bit harsh lol 

I got called a Mexican C*nt in game the otherday because I wouldn't sing a song. Bit harsh lol 
At least be creative with your insults! to Quote an old film 'Hook':

You are fart factory, Slug-slimed, sack-of-rat-guts-in-cat-vomit, cheesy, scab-picked, pimple-squeezing finger bandage. A week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side!

No swearing, funny as hell, and I've no doubt @Ricardo Sanchez can make a song out of it.

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I had posted this in another post, But I think its more relevant here. 

"To be honest, I have always roleplayed the HM it is a way that I can 100% get RP. You can always tell if the police officer in charge is pissed off with them as from the get go they are pretty dismissive. Last week, My gang spent hours writing documents, licences. 3 A4 pages, all detailing biography's for each person involved in our op. All playing characters. We had signatures from the Queen of the british Isle's and Cheif of Nato. WE also had signatures from MI6 But had to black box them for security reasons. (M16 OBLIVIOUSLY).  They then rejected the op, and we walked with nothing. In their words it was because we didn't have a signature from the police.. You would think the queen would be enough right?

If you want decent RP on this server. start off by rewarding good rp? 

Also if your a police officer on a Bank op ,and they send you documents. Dont spend 30 seconds reading it then say "I've skimmed through" then get all the details wrong. 

We understand the document is long, and we are happy to wait. Reward our effort by at least putting the effort to read..."
