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A blast from the past.


Well-known member
West Midlands
Today I show you a video that was uploaded from my first day in the UNMC, all the way back last year.

It was the day I found my love for the 50cal. We shared many months together before we had to part due to unfortunate circumstances. The video has been private ever since I uploaded it, due to the tension between "The Gang" and the UNMC at the time, until now.

I am making it public for you all to see, I kind of forgot that it existed.

The backstory:

Renegade who was not in the UNMC at the time (Blazes brother) had worked his way into "The Gangs" base, earned their trust and convinced them to attack our checkpoint due to a "lack of people there". Little did they know it was all a trap and they had an army of soldiers waiting for them.

Things progress and most of "The gang" are now dead. However the two members of "the gang" that were left had realised what renagade had done, they ziptied him and put him in the building shown in the video. Blaze gave me the order to light up the compound with the 50, calling his own brother expendable (Classic Blaze banter). However due to my pro aim, I somehow miss renagade and hit the targets.

Sorry for any typos, typing on my phone.


I miss the PRNA/UNMC despite never even being part of them. They added a nice touch to the server and I've felt something's missing ever since the disband.

I miss the PRNA/UNMC despite never even being part of them. They added a nice touch to the server and I've felt something's missing ever since the disband.
Join the club, I constantly feel lost without it lol. Server is no where near as fun for me now.

It would be brilliant if they were to return, I thought they were a nice addition to the server. Also it gave people something to do going over the border, it was like a new place to explore and do things such as selling drugs or buying your gear from the blackmarket. Especially enjoyed the guns fights ;)

@knowlezy exactly, they actually played as a middle man between whether you wanted to be friends with them, or the police, or neither, and added almost a storyline to the RP, actually giving gangs options and opportunities. Wish they'd return.
