It's easy to get to that when you are worried/scared/angry etc. I know many people thinking or saying the exact same thing, probably not meaning it to that extent.
What is important in this situation is to talk about it. It's really important, to once again make it really clear that this people are fanatics, brainwashed and not in their right mind at all. It's also important to note that these people in no way represent any religion or are doing it because of religion. I had a chat with a taxi driver that took me into town yesterday and he was so said of everything He came to Sweden from Iraq 5 years ago and had a couple of friends from Syria that just arrived here. He felt the general public started to hate his him and his people, because of ISIS. The public hated him, because of a group that also hated him, and had murdered his friends and family. He didn't think it was fair. He felt people just starting to hate everything, for no reason and it's infecting the whole world. He couldn't be more right. It's so incredible wrong.
If people start to create hate, that's just more fuel to their cause. They want hate. Hate brings them more supporters and splits us apart.
Awful, awful things happened yesterday. Let's not give them the satisfaction or victory to make us afraid or to start hating each other more. We are all in this together.
When you come back, apologize and realize that this is not what you actually believe, we got one step in the right direction. This is what we need more people to do when those thoughts come to mind. Talk with people, reflect on why you started to think like that, and realize it's not logical nor right. Making people act like this, is one of the biggest challenges we have and will be having in the future and it's every persons responsibility to help.
To rally up and stop hating, is the only way this will come to an end.
Sorry for the long text, I just had to get it out.