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2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

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Nope. What did happen, as stated again, that I died without RP. End of, no question about it, then Ireturned to get my 60k which I lost, which was stolen, then seen you took it and drove off to the frog legs dealer.

Video is here that proves Jason Burton VDM'd Popadopalous. You can clearly see the hexagon (popadopolous) is in front, and the Tempest starts behind on the road.


As a member of the Police Force, Jason Burton knows the server rules and consequences of VDM's. I therefore request his status as a Police Office is reviewed. I also request this video be submitted into consideration as grounds to ban Jason Burton from the server.

EDIT: Also into evidence is Erwins own video that shows Jason Burton violate the NLR rule (by respawning in Athira, getting a sports hatchback. and returning within 15 mins and within 1KM of the place he died).

EDIT: Also into evidence is Erwins video that shows Jason Burton's second VDM @ 1.58:30. I quote Popadopolous on the below;


What actually happened is Jason Burton clearly VDMs us with intent to kill with a sports car. He hits our yellow offroad. You can clearly see this when he [Erwin] turns his camera angle round. They have even provided video proof of them doing this. You can clearly see Jason Burton's name as the only one on group chat when the "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them" is being played/said.
just for your information, you can request all you want, it's not going to make the police force make a decision, they'll make it on their own terms.
If you see in the video, he pulls out in front of me, the way I am turning to try and kill himself. So it stops me and tries to steal my truck, however, he melts into me, killing us both. Serves him right for RDMing me at the later point again and VDMing me there.

just for your information, you can request all you want, it's not going to make the police force make a decision, they'll make it on their own terms.
Yep that is fine. The point was made that jason burton is an off duty cop performing VDMs amd breaking NLR. One would expect an off duty cop to have a higher regard for the rules.
As we want to make a complaint against Jason Burton for VDMs and breaking NLR, should we create a new thread, or can this be done from within this thread?

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If you see in the video, he pulls out in front of me, the way I am turning to try and kill himself. So it stops me and tries to steal my truck, however, he melts into me, killing us both. Serves him right for RDMing me at the later point again and VDMing me there.
Unfortunately for you, you are heard clearly on your own gangs video saying in group chat, "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them, i'll kill them... watch this", just seconds before you VDM.

Guess your own video shows a little more than you expected ;)

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about the off-road thing he was in front and you rammed him. after not being revived by the medic you return (NLR) and start screaming at us saying omg why did you RDM I will see you on the forum.

so I shot above your car to make you go away so you didn't get into trouble for returning within 15 mins if I wanted to kill you I would have shot you tires and killed you when you need to get out. unless you have proof before hand that you didn't cause a crash and also try to run me over after you return I have nothing else to say.

I returned simply because I was killed unfairly as stated.

Nope. What did happen, as stated again, that I died without RP. End of, no question about it, then Ireturned to get my 60k which I lost, which was stolen, then seen you took it and drove off to the frog legs dealer.

Rule 6: The New Life Rule

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death. 

The only exception to this is your wanted level, In our latest release bounty levels are now persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases... without this we wont have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person and the person being on the run for weeks/days.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially. 
4A) A new life starts, when
  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has died in a RP situation.
  • Your character has been involved in an accident

4B) A new life does not start when
  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM (Unless inside of the RedZone)
  • You disconnect (end of session)

4C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!
4D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!
Also your own video evidence is prity damming.....
Denied, reporter broke rules by returning for items after being killed, disregarding the fact you know nothing about your death.

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