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2 UGN Players RDM for no reason TWICE.

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Jason Burton

Well-known member
Northern Ireland
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
UGN Popadopalous & UGN Boris [T]
Time & Date this happened:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
 No because they wont listen..
Description of what happened:
So I was running frog legs with my gang and all of a sudden, these kids come from no-where, so I run and they kill me without roleplay. They kill me by driving into my Tempest Transport with an off-road, blowing me up. Lost 60k from that.


After that, I arrive back to collect my items, as I was killed out of roleplay, I arrive, they have taken my shit so I drive off, AGAIN, at the LSD processing, I see these kids coming along, after my friend, so I pull up, I tell them I am reporting them for RDM with roleplay and BANG, another bullet to my head:


So these guys are RDMing me @Erwin and @Junior_porter. There names can be seen here:


Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope Kids like this can stop being bitches and accept the fact they cannot always win.


http://www.twitch.tv/dutchmani/b/600593202@ 1:59:00

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I would like everyone to watch his clip and watch from 1.57:30
Watch out now
They're coming along the road.
2 Cars following you 
I know
2 Off roads
Yeah I'll kill them, i'll kill them. i'll kill them.
Watch this
Mentions something about staying left or right
They stopped what the f***
One Died
Bye Bye
What actually happened is Jason Burton clearly VDMs us with intent to kill with a sports car. He hits our yellow offroad. You can clearly see this when he turns his camera angle round. They have even provided video proof of them doing this. You can clearly see Jason Burton's name as the only one on group chat when the "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them" is being played/said.
Please tell me what roleplay you are moaning about as you clearly broke server rules initially and initiated the killing action on us.
I would like everyone to watch his clip and watch from 1.57:30
Watch out now
They're coming along the road.
2 Cars following you 
I know
2 Off roads
Yeah I'll kill them, i'll kill them. i'll kill them.
Watch this
Mentions something about staying left or right
They stopped what the f***
One Died
Bye Bye
What actually happened is Jason Burton clearly VDMs us with intent to kill with a sports car. He hits our yellow offroad. You can clearly see this when he turns his camera angle round. They have even provided video proof of them doing this. You can clearly see Jason Burton's name as the only one on group chat when the "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them" is being played/said.
Please tell me what roleplay you are moaning about as you clearly broke server rules initially and initiated the killing action on us.
they mentioned via teamspeak, that they were being shot at and chased, so I said, I will stop them, or something along them lines.

Don't bullshit out, it makes you look bad ahahaha.

I would like everyone to watch his clip and watch from 1.57:30
Watch out now
They're coming along the road.
2 Cars following you 
I know
2 Off roads
Yeah I'll kill them, i'll kill them. i'll kill them.
Watch this
Mentions something about staying left or right
They stopped what the f***
One Died
Bye Bye
What actually happened is Jason Burton clearly VDMs us with intent to kill with a sports car. He hits our yellow offroad. You can clearly see this when he turns his camera angle round. They have even provided video proof of them doing this. You can clearly see Jason Burton's name as the only one on group chat when the "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them" is being played/said.
Please tell me what roleplay you are moaning about as you clearly broke server rules initially and initiated the killing action on us.
 What has this to do with me? You killed me without any reason. Well you have killed us all without any reason. I haven't heard anything, I stepped out of my Truck and you was shooting me? Is that roleplay sir? I think not... And by the way, you said also a bullshit argument over the mobile message system, you said that I have killed someone and that was the reason that you killed me. Have you seen me killing someone in the video? Nah, I think not, so what is than the reason that you have killed me? You haven't said anything about a robbery or whatever. We only saw 2 pick up cars behind us and we warned each other, like we always do when someone is behind us, how can we know that this is a robbery or something like that, you haven't said anything?


Let me also direct you to 1.50:46.

Look at the chat logs. Popadopalous was killed. Jason Burton was killed. That is when you initially rammed me with your tempest. We both died as a result. I waited to be revived by a medic as my team watched over me. You re spawned and drove back down to your body. Why did you return to where you died. NLR was in effect so you should not have even come back when I was being revived. 


Your mate rammed us with a car. Trying to kill us CLEARLY stating that was his intention in the video. So that is VDM already.

The hemit and the red pickup collide, killing Boris.

Panda and your mate are at gun point.

Your mate clearly shoots Panda. Gun fire is going to be traded. You get out knowing this with a gun out and you are moaning about being shot.

We let you get revived and role play and you break role play by mentioning it in VOIP. We keep in role play saying that we are robbing you and you fail to role play back. 

about the off-road thing he was in front and you rammed him. after not being revived by the medic you return (NLR) and start screaming at us saying omg why did you RDM I will see you on the forum.

so I shot above your car to make you go away so you didn't get into trouble for returning within 15 mins if I wanted to kill you I would have shot you tires and killed you when you need to get out. unless you have proof before hand that you didn't cause a crash and also try to run me over after you return I have nothing else to say.

and as for the hemit and red pick up that was due to ERWIN d-sinking into me so I blew up if you look I ram no one.

By the way, we have recorded from your twitch video, so if you suddenly delete parts that you now realise incriminates yourselves, we will repost it :)


Your mate rammed us with a car. Trying to kill us CLEARLY stating that was his intention in the video. So that is VDM already.

The hemit and the red pickup collide, killing Boris.

Panda and your mate are at gun point.

Your mate clearly shoots Panda. Gun fire is going to be traded. You get out knowing this with a gun out and you are moaning about being shot.

We let you get revived and role play and you break role play by mentioning it in VOIP. We keep in role play saying that we are robbing you and you fail to role play back. 
Well, my mate was shooting your gang member, because the UGN was shooting first, without any reason. (See the video). My mate tried to pick up some stuff and your gang member took his gun and started to shoot, my mate tried to defend his self and killed your gang member. 

And about the part that I stepped out of my truck, if you step out of a truck, your gun is always out of the holdster, I was only a few seconds out of my truck and I was already killed. And you guys try to change the story, I still wait for an answer that you guys explain why you killed 2 persons, without any roleplay in it. I don't hear anything, you guys shoot and kill?

And why do you lie? In the mobile message system you told me, that I killed someone? Oh really? Explain me that please? Where did I kill someone? 

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FYI, i have it recorded on shadowplay, where the Tempest driven by your gang member VDM's Popadopolous' vehicle killing him. This was the very first incident and it clearly shows your gang breaking server rules by VDM on Popadopolous. 

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Your mate was looting Boris's body. Your mate does not have a weapon until he takes it off Boris's body. Panda told him to stop, he did not. He was clearly picking up a gun so Panda went to shoot him, failed, and died. I think I am allowed to return fire. You get out your truck and run towards a gun fight. If you did not want trouble you should have run away.

You have time to holster your weapon when you get out the truck but you run straight down to where the action was. You could have put it on your leg holster as soon as you step out showing you are not a threat but no, you keep it out. I have just had 2 of my group die of course I am going to shoot you.

You also hear Jason stating, "there is a guy down here with a gun come down here and kill him" just before/as I shoot you. I am sure you would not be moaning about anything if you did not loose this encounter but since you were on the loosing side you feel sour and have to report a situation that puts your group (mainly Jason) in very bad light. Jason being the same person that VDMed us. I never actually shoot Jason even though I can see he is part of your group as it would not have been roleplay as he had no gun and he just may have lost control of his car however unlikely that may have been. I warn him multiple times though after I kill you though to get lost or I will shoot him as he is giving away my position. 

You die because you run into an active gunfight. Jason dies because he does not vacate the area.

Please provide any videos that show events. We cannot take action based on 'we have that recording'.

I returned simply because I was killed unfairly as stated.
You entered a live firefight in which YOUR OWN GANG were involed. You enter the live fire fight area with your rifle out, then you get shot and killed. and you claim its us that are "being bitches and accept the fact they cannot always win."   LOL. 

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Video is here that proves Jason Burton VDM'd Popadopalous. You can clearly see the hexagon (popadopolous) is in front, and the Tempest starts behind on the road.


As a member of the Police Force, Jason Burton knows the server rules and consequences of VDM's. I therefore request his status as a Police Office is reviewed. I also request this video be submitted into consideration as grounds to ban Jason Burton from the server.

EDIT:   Also into evidence is Erwins own video that shows Jason Burton violate the NLR rule (by respawning in Athira, getting a sports hatchback. and returning within 15 mins and within 1KM of the place he died). 

EDIT:  Also into evidence is Erwins video that shows Jason Burton's second VDM @ 1.58:30. I quote Popadopolous on the below;

What actually happened is Jason Burton clearly VDMs us with intent to kill with a sports car. He hits our yellow offroad. You can clearly see this when he [Erwin] turns his camera angle round. They have even provided video proof of them doing this. You can clearly see Jason Burton's name as the only one on group chat when the "Yeah I'll kill them, I'll kill them" is being played/said.
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