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1 YEAR VIP giveaway

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Well-known member
As the title says, i will give away 1 year of vip statu.

All you need to do is tell me following:

Ingame name:

Time spendt on the server:

Your favourite animal:

What do you think of the server:

Why should YOU win?

Winner will be picked at 15th of april.

Good luck!

Ingame name: [Fear] Sgt. Washington

Time spent on the server: 700 hours

Your favourite animal: Who doesn't love giraffes?

What do you think of the server: Easily the top Altis Life server available, I have played others and none of them quite reach the level of Altis Life UK

Why should YOU win? I plan on being around for the next year, and I think the VIP would serve me well I'm always spending money ( I really should stop ).. And you can be in the billboard ^.^

Ingame name: PCSO Gourvo

Time spendt on the server: just under 1 year

Your favourite animal: Monkey

What do you think of the server: Great server and has a good community to accompany it 

Why should YOU win? i have been here for a year nearly and hopefully another year iw would be nice to have VIP in that time. i am also #1PCSO

ingame name:SPC Dylan

Time spendt on the server: 500hours ~

Your favourite animal: Turtles :) ))

What do you think of the server: It's great.. defo the #1 altislife server

Why should YOU win? - because i love turtles and turtles are awesome and -tryme-

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I'm not gonna participate but i would like to thank @Omligon to provide everyone a chance to get this awesome reward!

Good luck to everyone and like the head admin says a big thank you goes out to @Omligon for his generosity.

Ingame name: Kha Zingo

Time spendt on the server: Around 600 hours

Your favourite animal: Tapirs are the cutest animals in the world 

What do you think of the server: Great server, would like to thank everyone for keeping the server as good as it is right now

Why should YOU win? Because I love you and everyone related to you <3

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Ingame name: INS Voltz

Time spendt on the server: Around 1.3k hours, 10 months

Your favorite animal: Honey Badger

What do you think of the server: I have been here since 3.1.2 and I remember the huge update of 3.1.4 being announced and everyone looking forward to it. Then came ALUK 4.0 and ever since then the admin team has been giving and giving. By far the best Altis Life community out there.

Why should YOU win?: Well, I played a shit tonne, as you might see and I do play a civilian quite a bit as well as a cop. I don't play to leave (or get banned) so I feel that I should get it. Also turtles are not as cool as honey badgers.

Ingame name:  GP. Hank

Time spent on the server: 600 hours D:

Your favourite animal:  the yeti crab

What do you think of the server: Best altis server i've played yet, and don't intend on moving anytime within the next year 

Why should YOU win? why should i win? becuase im the best. no seriously i am. but if you don't believe me, that's cool, im very dedicated to the server, and I'd like to think im an active member in the comunity, and i think i'd benefit massively from this competition especially seeing as i don't get so much for my time in work as i'd hope.


Edit: before anybody asks what a yeti crab is, let me show you.


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Ingame name: PrinecssShannon

Time spendt on the server: Since start of dec 2014 and 800 hours

Your favourite animal: Cat :3 

What do you think of the server: I love it ^-^ 

Why should YOU win? Because i'm a princess, no more needs to be said <3

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Ingame name: Tomm

Time spendt on the server: 2months

Your favourite animal: dog

What do you think of the server: great server, really enjoy the RP With everyone! everyone is friendly and makes you feel welcome.

Why should YOU win? Because I'm a police I can't easilly make a lot of money with out spending many hours. Slightly lower prices would make being off duty a lot more enjoyable. Still great game either way !

Ingame name: [TI] Robert

Time spendt on the server: I've spent about 740 hours on this fantastic server. (Over the last 4 and a half month)

Your favourite animal: Turtles of course.

What do you think of the server: This is without a doubt the best Altis Life server out there. It's all about the roleplay and I love it.

Why should YOU win? I think I should win because I've dedicated 740 hours to this great server without being banned once, and I love to roleplay. Would be great with one year of VIP. 

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Ingame name: Panchito

Time spendt on the server: -+  1300-1400 hours

Your favourite animal: Birds (all kinds of birds especially the little mockingbird)

What do you think of the server: Very good server, full to the brim because it deserves to be like this

Why should YOU win?  I never win anything big but its nice to try who knows! I don't have a credit card but the VIP stats look appealing ever since it got implemented.


Ingame name: SPC Alieni

Time spendt on the server: 690 hours

Your favourite animal: Turtles

What do you think of the server:The Best game ever played. 'Nuff said.

Why should YOU win? Because I really like winning things ...

Ingame name: [bG] Sorrow
Time spendt on the server: 800-850 hours.
Your favourite animal: The Lion
What do you think of the server: Well I have to say it's a big community and I'm glad to be part of it. It involves roleplay and extreme intense situations that I like to attend to.
Why should YOU win? Simple, I'm the only guy from MALTA on this server... been here for quite alot now, I play almost everyday for about 8 hours mostly. I like to hangout with people and have a laugh together on the server. VIP for 1 year would really like to have it and it would be a nice perk to use, with cheaper prices. Thank you for the oppurtunity! :)
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Ingame name:
[EXP] Rdr. 2Pac
Time spendt on the server:
500 hours
Your favourite animal:
What do you think of the server:
Best server iv'e ever played on c:
Why should YOU win?

cause my lord the flying spaghetti monster said so c:

Ingame name: Equah

Time spendt on the server: I played here for a wile and had a break. I came back in the middle of february

Your favourite animal: Birds

What do you think of the server: I was on allot altis life servers but came back to here, because no server has a better community with such a great roleplay...

Why should YOU win? I wanted to buy VIP by myself. But at the moment I'm out of money, because I'm a Student. So I take opportunity to win this...

Ingame name: Papa Hedge

Time spendt on the server: Around 350 Hours

Your favourite animal: Llama

What do you think of the server: The server, despite having an odd issue here and there, is a great place to enjoy time with friends old and new.

Why should YOU win? I'm not going to say that I should win. Instead I would say that I would like to win as it is an amazing prize given by a very generous member of the community, so thank you for providing this opportunity and good luck to everyone who enters!

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