It doesn't matter ramsay your members having a big mouth isn't my problem i don't know what your expecting just take the shit talk and walk away not a chance my friend. I'm gonna leave it to staff since you cant understand my POV.
Like I said in my previous reply I was Leaving the Area until the 2 grove members came up to me and kept chatting shit towards me. I don't know what your expecting Ramsay it's your members Fault.
How is this Poor RP ?? you expect me to take the insults not a chance mate. Btw we did not lose the fight because there was still 1 cutlass Alive so the situation was still ongoing.
I was leaving the area until the 2 grove members came up to me and made comments that weren't needed so I'm gonna be honest this isn't my fault but your members that chat to much
Good afternoon Ramsay After I left the Arcade I went on Otto's roof top just to spectate the fight and then Juan Pablo and Jax came up to me and said to leave the area I said okay I will leave and then they followed me and kept saying "Good Boy Davies" so I said to myself I will not let that...
Bobby smith said in QE that he wouldn't report as long as it didn't happen again, and then decided to go back on his word and report anyways longer than 24 hours after the issue. I admit that i have broken the rule yes, it has been talked about and I have learnt my lesson but im a bit unsure of...
Good morning i have already spoke to Bobby smith in QE an he said as long it doesn’t happen again it’s fine and also it’s been reported after 24hrs. just clarify there was also a staff member in the QE and can i ask what’s the reason is why you left it so long and not reported it until you lost...