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  1. PixelHeart

    Pickpocket skill

    Like this idea. It'll be cool little detail.
  2. PixelHeart

    Update Tweedle & Bascally the entire phone

    Just saw, perfect example of what i was trying to say. It keeps the phone to a min while doing other actions  
  3. PixelHeart


    tbh i think most people steal cars because of transport issues. it takes forever to run from one side of the city to the other. Plus buses wold be great for RP. 
  4. PixelHeart


    I was saying earlier that i wish bus driving as a job. Also it would be a way for players without cars to travel around having a form of public transport.
  5. PixelHeart

    Update Tweedle & Bascally the entire phone

    it kinda feels like a kiddie phone overall, but thats what i think personally. It doesn't look like somethink i would buy irl. I've seen so many great phones around but ours does feel a little bare. 
  6. PixelHeart

    Update Tweedle & Bascally the entire phone

    Ok so tweedle, let's admit it, it's kind of a pain. You can't tweet pictures with a caption and its not really great looking. When you get a reply sometimes it's hard to find as it just gets lost in the messages. Also with multiple characters sometimes you end up tweeting from the wrong...
  7. PixelHeart

    Phone DND Mode

    100% this. The amount of times i've had to restart the fivem because i got a phone call while i was buying clothes etc. I like the idea of the phone popping up slighty to tell you whos calling but just the top of the screen. I've seen this on i think the nopixel server when i've watched a few...
  8. PixelHeart

    Nicola has the worst luck

    yeah same
  9. PixelHeart

    Nicola has the worst luck

  10. PixelHeart


  11. PixelHeart


  12. PixelHeart

    Report a player - 404 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Alina Maximoff Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 404 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 07/04/21 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1955 What best describes this incident ?: Guy was not...
  13. PixelHeart

    Drew all my characters as cartoons. Hope you guys like! [ATTACH]

    Drew all my characters as cartoons. Hope you guys like!