The reality of the situation was both disorganized and chaotic, the delivery/installation was supposed to have happened the day prior, however, I wasn't able to answer the phone when they called to double check the time aswell as my availability, essential to make sure I'd be present to handle...
I found the situation at hand to be more important than any potential roleplay scenario to come from it, as anyone in my position should've. I couldn't just tell them to go away, when I had been awaiting the appointment for a day or two. I believe my actions to have been rational?
I offered to...
I tried to cover all my bases in my appeal, would appreciate it if you gave it a read.
Take your time, and please feel free to get back to me at your soonest convenience.
Regards, Steven
I"(2.5) Combat logging at any point during RP is exploiting. Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained...
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
2.5 (Logging)
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
2.5 (Logging)
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 2
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.