Hello again. Thank you very much for understanding and believing that this incident was an honest mistake. I accept the opportunity to compensate Morten for his gear, and I will be PM'ing him now to agree on a time we can both be online in order for this to occur.
Good day to you.
I don't really see why it's shady. I was under the impression that I was recording but apparently I wasn't. I don't see how this changes the situation either... I mean you can go in yourself and check this bug that makes you unable to hear people when browsing that vendor.
EDIT: and I think...
Hello mate, I am the the person in question in this report.
I just want to clarify and explain this from my point of view. Firstly it is correct that I asked you to "grab a staff member", now I can see this being a bit rude and I am sorry if it seems that way to you. However, I didn't wish to...