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  1. BrandonWhite

    Delivery Missions & Scrap Yard

    Very true! A way to counter it would be if clan members took packages from other clan members it's the same price and maybe the amount you get for robbing a package wouldn't even be that much bigger! :)
  2. BrandonWhite

    Delivery Missions & Scrap Yard

    Will these be making some kind of return any time soon? Also what ideas would you guys have if you could make your own delivery missions? Mine would be where you have to have a minimum of 3 people on quad bikes as a mini convoy each carrying an illegal package that you have to deliver to a...
  3. BrandonWhite

    Corrupt Police...

    Right just gunna leave this here for all who have commented; I understand your points and yes maybe what I was saying was pretty wrong of me because a lot of the police and other members of the server are genuine and good. I didn't mean it as an attack on the police or any one of the members of...
  4. BrandonWhite

    Corrupt Police...

    Very true, I know there is nothing that you can do but if it is true and one of your police actually did such a thing; it's pretty bad. Just posted this as a heads up and because I'm slightly angry I suppose!
  5. BrandonWhite

    Corrupt Police...

    Thanks for the reply but sadly I cannot remember his name and I can't see it on the server list, he had SPC in his name and he admitted he was an off duty cop and laughed at how I didn't notice. I was literally that livid I just rage quit the game after it happened haha.
  6. BrandonWhite

    Corrupt Police...

    So yeah, I was just held up by an 'off-duty' police officer who still had his name set to his police officer name and correct me if I am wrong but doesn't that contradict this whole 'serious roleplay' that the server has going on? What's the point in trusting the police if all they do is come...