I have been on the server for several years starting at the end of 2014 on my old account KristofVDW (Send me a message if you wanna know why I have a new account).
I completely agree with everything @LastNickLeft has stated. It's an older game, some people have gotten bored of serious roleplay...
after googling your psu it states that it has 6 sata power connectors which is the connector on the left of ant arni's photo could you check if you have any left in your computer. Most of the time there are multiple of these on one cable.
It was appearing and dissappearing for me when i refreshed a week ago
Since yesterday it is just gone
It comes back when I log out weird....
also disappears when I log back in
Didn't really see you in a while, I was scared for this post.
Had alot of fun times with you in origins.
Well all I can say is good luck at college and I sent you my steam acc via a message.
Good luck m8