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  1. Mr Anderson

    Report a Player - LIAM - RDM<br>VDM<br>Other

    Your In-game name Mr Anderson Name of the player(s) you are reporting LIAM Date of the incident 06/11/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 1850 What best describes this incident ? RDM VDM Other Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident...
  2. Mr Anderson

    [RED] Lucky

    please edit you 1st post and use this template   Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):   Time &amp; Date this happened:   Which Server did this happen on:   Description of what happened:   What Rule Was Broken ?:   Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:   ...
  3. Mr Anderson

    lost house and cash[SORTED INGAME}

    updated with additions
  4. Mr Anderson


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):oflynnigan   Time &amp; Date this happened:03/07.15 at 1810   Which Server did this happen on: server 1   Description of what happened: so this guy with the N word on his tag and after i asked him to remove it i got a vulgar reply   What Rule...
  5. Mr Anderson

    lost house and cash[SORTED INGAME}

    In-game name: Mr-Anderson Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561198119637238 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 01/07/15 1940 and 03/7/15 2330   What was lost: 4.775.000 Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 4.775.000 Quick...
  6. Mr Anderson

    i have applied to be a mentor 4 times lol so asked robert for some feedback to see where i was...

    i have applied to be a mentor 4 times lol so asked robert for some feedback to see where i was going wrong
  7. Mr Anderson

    4 attempts 4 fails time to get some feed back

    4 attempts 4 fails time to get some feed back
  8. Mr Anderson

    400k weed run server shutdown

    And here are the things we are unable to compensate. Housing Storage Boxes ( Completely at your own risk - Most peoples are trouble free) Anything stored in storage ( Again at your own risk ) T Menu items ( Gold / Drugs / Clams / Oil / Salt / Copper etc etc) Houses/Garages (They auto expire...
  9. Mr Anderson

    Rust - Pre-Wipe End Wars

    wish i had this so i could join you guys :(
  10. Mr Anderson

    UnBan appeal (Denied)

    For the admins this is his 3rd post reguarding this ban http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/29466-unban-appeal/
  11. Mr Anderson

    NHS Application + Tags problem

    This Bug is known and will be fixed as soon as the admins can in the mean time PM your app to a GP
  12. Mr Anderson

    Lost my gear because of server bug

    please use this template In-game name: Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report):   What was lost: Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): Quick description of what happened: Please post video...
  13. Mr Anderson


    as a ex medic i can tell you there is a issue with the app page you need to PM you app to a GP   use this template  Whats your in-game name steam ID (16 digit number) how old are you What Country &amp; Timezone Are You In? Do you have a working microphone ? How often are you online and...
  14. Mr Anderson

    UnBan appeal (Format not used)

    Hi I am not a admin but i will say this please edit your post and use this template or your request will be denied  Your In-game name: Your Steam Profile ID: Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): Date &amp; Time you was banned: Please copy and paste the rule you...
  15. Mr Anderson

    SPC Hank Comp Request

    here is a ss from my side http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/6187165659037680901/E577B893FBDEF12406E2DE5C50BC333235F76C77/
  16. Mr Anderson

    getting unbanned (Format not used)

    Before you appeal your ban please go refresh yourself by re-reading our rules - Click Here When you are ready to appeal your ban please start a new thread in this forum with the following title: (Your Ingame Name) -  Unban Appeal For example mine will look like this: "Wilco - Unban Appeal"...
  17. Mr Anderson


     hi as it says above now i am not to botherd about that tag would it be possible too get police and nhs tags instead thanks in advance
  18. Mr Anderson

    Im just a sore human

    @Vacatio  at the time it was christopher 
  19. Mr Anderson

    Im just a sore human

    @christopherculmer i was the PCSO that called the admin in . you had no intention of RP with us cops all you did was type to just send you to jail. and one the admin came he informed you that it was a Mic only server your responce was you did not have one. i removed the cuffs so you could DC...