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  1. Moon_Moon

    Compensation Request - Moon_Moon

    In-game Name: Moon Moon Steam ID: 76561197995235714 Date this happened: 09/27/2016 The Server this happened on.: Server 1 Please provide full detail and evidence: As stated in report, I got rammed and lost all my gear when entering Kavala...
  2. Moon_Moon

    Report a Player - Adam (2) - VDM

    Your In-game name Moon Moon Name of the player(s) you are reporting Adam (2) Date of the incident 09/27/2016 Time of the incident (GMT) 18 What best describes this incident ? VDM Which server did the incident take place on Server 1 Please (in detail) describe the incident I was...
  3. Moon_Moon

    Un-ban Appeal - Moon_Moon (Unbanned - Final Chance)

    Look I get your point here, of these question, but ... To be honest here, I havent done really nothing much againts RP so I dont know why Im getting washed here like this and to deserve this. There has been yelling hobo on the roof, we talked on him and he still cried the same, so I screamed In...
  4. Moon_Moon

    Un-ban Appeal - Moon_Moon (Unbanned - Final Chance)

    Ahhh, after a day another question ... well ... you cannot kill anyone in the green safe zone altho police can chase you there. You cannot rob anyone this applies for stealing cars aswell. No combat in the green zone whatsoever.
  5. Moon_Moon

    Un-ban Appeal - Moon_Moon (Unbanned - Final Chance)

    RDM is a killing a player without respecting the rules of roleplay, just killing people without "backstory" or however you can call it.
  6. Moon_Moon

    Un-ban Appeal - Moon_Moon (Unbanned - Final Chance)

    In-game Name Sierra Leone Steam ID 76561197995235714 The date of your ban. 06/17/2015 Member of the team that banned you. Vladic Ka Reason given for your ban. Killing in green zone The Server you initially was banned on. Server 1 In your own words, Please type why you think you was...
  7. Moon_Moon

    [EXP] Enf. Moon Moon - Compensation Request (Completed 06/02/2015)

    In-game name: [EXP] Enf. Moon Moon Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561197995235714   What was lost: Mk20 (camo), MRCO, Csat pilot suit, 13 magazines for Mk20, ACP 40 with 3 mags, assault backpack, green NV, 1 zipties Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand...
  8. Moon_Moon

    Christian (Action: Already banned on another report)

    Luckily, the name Christian is on the forum with 2 more reprots, with video, so thats good, he wil lget banned anyway.
  9. Moon_Moon

    Christian (Action: Already banned on another report)

    And thats why nobody is scared to RDM, becouse more then a half of people cannot record as I do. Then all of sudden you see people like Christian killing without fear. And ofcourse after killing you mocking you aswell.
  10. Moon_Moon

    Christian (Action: Already banned on another report)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Christian   Time & Date this happened: 11:56+-   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: I was at Kavala drug dealer, running back to my truck hidden on the beach, when I got there, Christian was crouching...
  11. Moon_Moon

    What big feature do you want next?

    Simple yet big, when theres low cars, make more colors! Right now only thing that people use and can be full RGB colored are pickups. I would really want to do some black SUV kidnap RP or somethiing like that ... or different color of Tempest or HEMT so that they wont finally look like some army...
  12. Moon_Moon

    Branko (Action: Ban Issued 19/01/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Branko   Time & Date this happened: 16:45 aproxx (server time)   Description of what happened: I was driving to UNMC border in my pickup when a red pickup almost crashed into me and I lost control and crushed into wal, when I was repairing...
  13. Moon_Moon

    Why is server #2 down 24/7?

    Yeah gonna try that, seems that everyone here dont understand, thsi problem is here more then on day or one week, also I have some problems with connecting ot servers, always dropping red chain or getting stuck in the lobby.
  14. Moon_Moon

    Why is server #2 down 24/7?

    To be honest ... rekt? He did not get rekt, he just has the same problem as I do, that server is invisible even if you try remote connection, for now on I have to connect trough browser and search by name ... at as it seems not even this works now.