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  1. L

    Altis Life UK 1 Year Anniversary - Share your message!

    Congratulations guys! Been playing here since June and it's been a blast! Keep it up!
  2. L

    Black Market House

    I'm not sure how hard it would be to exempt the house from being purchased? I don't know how it's implemented so I couldn't guess.
  3. L

    Black Market House

    Is there anyway we can stop the Black Market from being bought? Trying to buy stuff through that tiny window is a pain!
  4. L

    Y u do dis trolls

    Sure if people want to get up in arms about it. No harm in discussing it though.
  5. L

    Y u do dis trolls

    Someone is doing it and they felt the need to bring up script copying in their post so while there's no proof I'm happy to lean that way until there's proof otherwise. We'll probably never know and I don't care I wont. xD
  6. L

    Y u do dis trolls

    I've read it too. At any case I don't agree with DDOSing or DOSing as some form of revenge. IF people have been copying each other or they suspect people are, then there are ways to come to compromises with words and not this childish bullshit. At the end of the day we're all just here to play...
  7. L

    I cant see the server

    Try connecting through the IP instead of using the server browser.
  8. L

    Make Kavala a Safezone (Closed - Outcome: No)

    The one problem I have with that wilco is that police are still able to taze and rubber bullet you. If they start popping off shots at me and I shoot back would I be breaking server rules by doing so?
  9. L

    Splitting the police between servers

    I'm aware and it was reported on the Admin log. It's just an example of the sort of stuff going on. If you needed an officer you wouldn't have got one because they were tied in Kavala.
  10. L

    Splitting the police between servers

    Maybe make the application stage more lax and add a probationary period for PCSO's ? We do have a shortage of officers.
  11. L

    Splitting the police between servers

    Then what's the point in server two!
  12. L

    Splitting the police between servers

    Police really need to be splitting between the two servers. There are currently four officers on a nearly full 120 player server. It's anarchy, me and Tim ran into 4 different instance of people just shooting without warning. VDM's and random shooting all over Kavala. God knows what anywhere...
  13. L

    Hobos in firefights

    Warning shot. Then kill shot. There's nothing RP about them being there so It's better just to get them out the way. If they ever got around to complaining I don't think any admin on here would ban you for doing so especially if you were recording.
  14. L


    What kind of board are you? White board, blackboard, longboard, skateboard, snowboard, surfboard?
  15. L

    Server down?

    How long is it gonna be locked for? I swear to god tonight is the night I get to play Server 1!
  16. L

    Cop distribution between servers

    If they can get on. I rarely manage to make it onto S1. Only really after downtime can I ever get on. I'd rather the police organize themselves to be even between the two.
  17. L


    I was just about to post this up. What's going on?
  18. L

    Compensation for bug crash (Completed 13/11/2014)

    Video says it all. We were even talking about it happening to us before at the start of the video! 
  19. L

    Explosive Desync (Completed 15/09/2014)

    So is this ever going to get looked at or has it's improper formatting doomed it till the end of time?
  20. L

    Explosive Desync (Completed 15/09/2014)

    Hi, name- Matt player ID- 76561197990408387 Items Lost -Uncovered Zamack -50 unprocessed copper -clothes and backpack of value ~19K -~40K cash. Total worth - 200k I lost an Uncovered Zamack that I had bought on the way into Kavala. Me and a user called Tim were running back into Kavala...