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  1. James Hunt

    Grand Theft Auto Altis Life UK Official Crew

    can i join?  http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/member/mads1232
  2. James Hunt

    GTA Crash help!

    alright dont know it then :/
  3. James Hunt

    GTA Crash help!

    @ what motherboard do you have? 
  4. James Hunt

    desync comp

    In-game name: [bG] James Hunt Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198053899893   What was lost: mk14, 13x 7.62 mags, dms scope, bipods. Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 423000 Quick description of what happened: i was driving back to gang base...
  5. James Hunt

    Greenzone Robbery

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Maka paka montana Time & Date this happened: date: 04-04-2015 Time: around 22:00 gmc+1 cant really remember sry :D Which Server did this happen on: 2 Description of what happened: we was selling your drugs, and i went to put them in...
  6. James Hunt


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Glisic Srdan   Time & Date this happened: Date: 04-04-2015 around 18:00 i think cant really remember    Which Server did this happen on: 2   Description of what happened: we tryed to rob a guy, but he got away cuz of some desync, and after...
  7. James Hunt


    you can always make one, and maybe you will be unbanned or mabye you will not.  It's up to the admin team :D
  8. James Hunt

    Comp request

    I know if you had you boxes for a will and they missing suddenly, that you cant get comp for that, but here was all guns lost in 3 min
  9. James Hunt

    Comp request

    In-game name: [bG] James Hunt Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198053899893   What was lost:   3x mxc (Black), 4x mx (Black), 4x mxm (Black), 2x mk18, 1x sting, 1x mx sw (black), 4x katiba, 1x rahim, 1x katiba carbine, 1x zubra, 3x SOS scope, 15x mrco scope, 6x...
  10. James Hunt


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Kim Time & Date this happened: date: 01-04-2015 Time: 01:16 Which Server did this happen on: 2 Description of what happened: So these guys robbed me and when i took my mask off one of his friends knoced me out and Kim just shouted "oh...
  11. James Hunt

    desync (Refused)

    Yea i lost the guns when i Got arrested but if the cop car not desynced into me, i Will never be there to get arrested. And if i did see the cop car i Will go to the Right side of the Road so i did not crash in to him but, i did not have any time to do that since the car came from nowhere.
  12. James Hunt

    desync (Refused)

    In-game name: Morgan Freeman Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198053899893   What was lost: 2 mxm with dms scope and silencer  Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): dont how mutch but i will ppl say 650k or something like that Quick description of...
  13. James Hunt

    killed with out rp (Completed 24/03/2015)

    In-game name: Morgan Freeman Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): 76561198053899893   What was lost: i lost 2 mxc one whit rco scope and Silencer, and one whit scope only, and some cloth Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): 490000 Quick description of what...
  14. James Hunt

    RDM PBTTChris (Banned: 17/03/15)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): PBTTChris   Time & Date this happened: time 18:30 date: 16-03-2015   Which Server did this happen on:  server 1   Description of what happened: i pulled 1 over and then this heli is landing close to us and starting to open fire on us whit...
  15. James Hunt

    Hannibal (Action: Ban Issued 02/03/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Hannibal   Time & Date this happened: date: 28-02-2015 time: 21.41   Which Server did this happen on: 1   Description of what happened: There was a fire fight i got more guys restranined and one of them restranined glitched   What Rule Was...
  16. James Hunt

    What's up Motherfucker

    What's up Motherfucker
  17. James Hunt

    What's up motherfucker

    What's up motherfucker
  18. James Hunt

    TKC Michael (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

    @Bamfon no That's okay mate:)
  19. James Hunt

    TKC Michael (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

    Yep i Got killed but the guy i restrained
  20. James Hunt

    TKC Michael (Action: Ban Issued 12/02/2015)

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [TKC] Michael   Time & Date this happened: 10-2-2015 gmc+1 16:15   Which Server did this happen on: 1   Description of what happened: there was i fire fight i got him and restrained him but but then he decides to glitch out of them    What...