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  1. MrAnderson

    Report a player - zIN - Altis Life

    Sorry it wasn't my friends video and he's went off for the night, no idea why he removed it, obviously I don't expect you to keep my report open if it best suits you feel free to remove it I'll remake it again tomorrow once the video is re-uploaded, once again my apologies.
  2. MrAnderson

    Report a player - Mr Smith,Herbie Northcote - Altis Life

    I'm responding to this due to the fact I was in the situation with Herbie and Mr Smith, we did not have communications with Mr. Smith in the vehicle for him to break-rp like that is unacceptable and I spoke to him about it and we've all decided to remove ourselves from him due to him not...
  3. MrAnderson

    Report a player - Mr Andersson , Mr Smith - Altis Life

    "shitty initiation" Stop your truck or it will be disabled being shouted at you two times over isn't exactly shitty initiation buddy I'm not exactly going to have my friend shout something exceeding a small time zone "Stop your truck or I will therefore shoot your tires and you'll be stopped by...
  4. MrAnderson

    Report a player - zIN - Altis Life

    Watch the video, we initiated and you had enough time to get out of the car, turn your gun to full auto and kill 3 people so don't act like that wasn't your intention we also have footage from an event that happened about an hour later where once again you did not initiate I will also bring that...
  5. MrAnderson

    Report a player - zIN - Altis Life

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Mr Anderson Name of the player(s) you are reporting: zIN Which server did the incident take place on: Altis Life Date of the incident: 14/02/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 21 What best describes this incident ?: RDM with no initation. Please (in detail)...
  6. MrAnderson

    Permanent Ban Appeal - MrAnderson (unbanned)

    Importance of rules, in itself that's pretty self explanatory the rules are there to keep people in line. What i mean by this is the rules allow the community to be healthy without the rules you'd get hobos with pistols running around killing everything... or you'd have people getting racist...
  7. MrAnderson

    Permanent Ban Appeal - MrAnderson (unbanned)

    The other account used 76561198242143528 Once again i do apologise for my actions, i would very much like to prove to all of the servers admins that i can be trusted and worthy of being apart of this community, thank you for taking the time and myself into consideration.  Mr Anderson.
  8. MrAnderson

    Your profile song just got even better love this band!

    Your profile song just got even better love this band!
  9. MrAnderson

    Permanent Ban Appeal - MrAnderson (unbanned)

    I completely understand, i wouldn't blame you for doing that either, after all this was my doing and i understand that it would be very hard to give trust to someone who has failed the community 3 times. Like i said in my appeal i only offer high quality role play i personally have matured a lot...
  10. MrAnderson

    Need help with PC

    oh man :(! A Working pc is better than a broken one :D!
  11. MrAnderson

    Need help with PC

    Best way mate, they will be straight with you. Hopefully it is int anything expensive for you.
  12. MrAnderson

    Need help with PC

    Honestly mate i'm not that good either haha, i use my contacts to help me out. Tho this said i really doubt your HDMI would cause no beep.. i had the exact same problem no beep and wouldn't switch on i replaced power supply and still nothing, for me it was motherboard but i suggest contacting...
  13. MrAnderson

    Need help with PC

    This happened to me about 3-4 month ago, first i suggest checking the power supply for any faults if you've got a second power supply to hand try using that one and see if there is a change, apart from that it turned out for me it was my motherboard had decided to blow itself up, on rare cases...
  14. MrAnderson

    Permanent Ban Appeal - MrAnderson (unbanned)

    For the last 6 months all I have thought about is getting back into this community I've read posts and also watched many report a player posts and have studied the rules I can not blame you for not trusting me as by my previous convictions it would be hard too, although I have broken rules in...
  15. MrAnderson

    Permanent Ban Appeal - MrAnderson (unbanned)

    In-game Name MrAnderson Steam ID 76561198119453138 Please provide a link to your previous denied appeal. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/80736-un-ban-appeal-mranderson-02162017-denied-perma-banned/?tab=comments#comment-460042 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned...
  16. MrAnderson

    Un-ban Appeal - MrAnderson - 02/16/2017 (Denied, Perma-banned)

    Have spoken too robbie on ts and have sorted the issue.
  17. MrAnderson

    Un-ban Appeal - MrAnderson - 02/16/2017 (Denied, Perma-banned)

    I'll try my best too get on tommorow at 5. 
  18. MrAnderson

    Un-ban Appeal - MrAnderson - 02/16/2017 (Denied, Perma-banned)

    I apologies for my previous comment "brushed under carpet" I did not realise the time the report was active for once again sorry. 
  19. MrAnderson

    Un-ban Appeal - MrAnderson - 02/16/2017 (Denied, Perma-banned)

    "Fail rp" as I did not threaten the life of the driver and never gave them enough time also the role play was poor. "Rdm" as I did not give the correct time for a response and also the fact that I did not threaten the life of the driver I opened fire instead of doing the following, waiting...
  20. MrAnderson

    Un-ban Appeal - Lord Castello - 02/15/2017 (Denied 19/02/2017)

    Just to confirm that he has apologised serveral times, we are friends now and all is fine. 