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  1. Frank Butcher

    Un-ban Appeal - Aim@Me (Unbanned)

    Dear Admins  Aim@Me has opened an un-ban appeal Your In-game name: [Gc] James Smith Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197982605810 Your GUID or Steam ID: e351ec51af256dbeab8efccc8530a3ef Date & Time you was banned:: 21/10/15 Admin that banned you (Check ban message when you connect to the...
  2. Frank Butcher

    GC Jay / GC James Smith / GC Mash

    I don't have any evidence because you never said a word with me in TS that night but you were able to come into TS earlier that day for something else, I clearly quoted what I said and what you said. Here we go again, paint every one with the same brush, did you have a problem with me that you...
  3. Frank Butcher

    GC Jay / GC James Smith / GC Mash

    What? ~ James Smith
  4. Frank Butcher

    GC Jay / GC James Smith / GC Mash

    Hello, this is the first I've heard of this and wonder why nothing was said to me in TS? I even saw you in our lobby earlier so why couldn't you come back down this time? not once was I contacted nor did I hear anything about this what so ever, I've been on TS all day,  looking at this video...
  5. Frank Butcher

    The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measurements anew each time...

    The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor. He takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them.
  6. Frank Butcher

    [GC] Manny - 3A VDM

    Since I was there (James Smith) I'd like to comment on this, I even said it to Droge in TS that I never heard him saying "as well as your friend", I even checked my video and since there were other noises on my video I didn't hear it, I now see in Droge's video that he did in fact say it, I take...
  7. Frank Butcher

    Money Transfer

    In-game name: [Gc] James Smith Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile):76561197982605810 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report): 11/09/2015 - 8:40am Which server: 1   What was lost: £1,171,673 Value of item/money lost ( Provide the grand total): £1,171,673...
  8. Frank Butcher

    Hex - RDM

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Hex   Time & Date this happened: 05/Sep/2015 - 11:35pm   Which Server did this happen on: #2   Description of what happened: We where going to the petrol station to fill up so we could go back to the gang base to gear up Rob as you can see...
  9. Frank Butcher

    Peace lads

    Wow, not sure what to say bud but it was an absolute pleasure playing with you and I understand how you feel, you'll be missed, shame the way things are going and I totally agree with you, just not fair! - James Smith
  10. Frank Butcher

    Maximus - Insulting

    Well, to be honest the reason I didn't try to resolve this is because why? if someone says something like that then what will they say if I did talk to them? like you said, this is an adult community and there's no need for comments like that but you're right, I should of put in the reason why...
  11. Frank Butcher

    Maximus - Insulting

    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [APM] Maximus   Time & Date this happened: 3:30am  27/08/2015   Which Server did this happen on: #1   Description of what happened: We where in a gun fight and he decided to insult us, it's in the picture, there's no need for it.   What...