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  1. Mangos

    Highways Traffic Officer

    I don't think there's a faction for them. The mechanic role allows you to rent one of their vehicles, so I think people use it mostly for a brief get-around.
  2. Mangos

    Issue with makeup

    Seems to be an issue with makeup. Went to the hair & beauty store and selected black eyeshadow then on logging out then back in it changed to bright red/pink eyeshadow. Went back and changed it again then went to the clothes shop. Whilst cycling through clothes noticed it changed again to...
  3. Mangos

    Compensation Request - Mangos - GTA RP

    Only third party perspectives which only shows the aftermath. After unsuccessful attempts to call for an admin in-game & Discord 5 minutes had already passed so no ShadowPlay from my perspective. Either way, my perspected wouldn't have shown much more than the screenshot shows. It would show...
  4. Mangos

    Compensation Request - Mangos - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Jason Dimples Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198040913609 The date when this happened: 10/07/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: Around 18:00, opened the menu to purchase a £500 rental car. On pressing the 'up' arrow it spawned a fair amount...