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  1. Jay Martinez

    Report a player - 504 - GTA RP

    So happy for the report to be closed and open a bug report then?
  2. Jay Martinez

    Report a player - 504 - GTA RP

    I was the 2nd officer in the clip behind Louis (you can see me in the clip at 7 seconds). I also don't have video unfortunately showing my POV. I will ask though, what exactly are we being reported for? I assume the recent announcement in Groups Discord by Hank (...
  3. Jay Martinez

    Helmet Armour Changes

    Couldn't agree more with this suggestion, in such an unbalanced situation it is only right something is done to balance it. And in this situation giving out head armour to all wouldn't be the answer. 
  4. Jay Martinez

    Character Locking

    The ree from this just comes back on police for that though, for something that is likely a rules issue and not a crime issue. So kinda 2 separate tools really.  I.e. you can get a life sentence whilst providing good high quality RP and could get a Character lock without breaking many major laws
  5. Jay Martinez

    Compensation Request - Jay Martinez - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Ben Callaghan Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198150265994 Character ID: 555525 The date when this happened: 06/10/23 Please provide full detail and evidence: We run Vinewood pawnshop and have been victim of the bandage £1 change/bug/incident. Was told to...
  6. Jay Martinez

    Firearms Command

  7. Jay Martinez

    Callaghan Family

  8. Jay Martinez

    All Time Top Criminals - To Date

    1) Sean Glasgow 2) Michael Mason 3) Jaffa Benítez 4) Bobby Delta 5) Ju Long 6) Jack Mackenzie 7) Matthew Labile 8). KC 9) Bernie Johnson 10) Will Boston
  9. Jay Martinez

    Report a player - 230 - GTA RP

    Hi Hector, As we discussed in the Liaison, unfortunately I don't feel that having limited options of escape within RP justifies breaking server rules to get yourselves out of the situation by RDMing 2 people. This is just baseless and seems like a poor attempt to deflect from ones own poor...
  10. Jay Martinez

    Report a player - 230 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Jay Martinez Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 230 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 04/23/23 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1730 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please (in...
  11. Jay Martinez

    Raids only to be aloud during peak times

    Having been on both sides of this argument, I cant lie it can be a bit shit if you have been raided at abnormal hours of the day. But in terms of a balance point, it could also be argued that a gang rushing a 'fully staffed' police station at 2am in the morning when there is minimal officers on...
  12. Jay Martinez

    Door Collision at Vinewood Pawnshop MLO

    Steam ID: 76561198150265994 Character ID: 55552 When did this happen: 01/31/23 Summary: Door Collision at Vinewood Pawnshop MLO Full Description: Door Collision at Vinewood Pawnshop MLO on the left hand side interior that catches you as you walk in the door. Been here for a while so...
  13. Jay Martinez

    Phone Contacts not saving properly

    Steam ID: 76561198150265994 Character ID: 55552 When did this happen: 01/08/23 Summary: Phone Contacts not saving properly Full Description: When creating a new contact in the phone, either through a contact card sent to you or by manually entering the details, the number and name Saves...
  14. Jay Martinez

    Air Tanks added to the marina

    You could say that about a lot of things, but as common sense isn't such common place round these parts I fear it would be used too much in a negative way as I have highlighted above.   It's not ree, its an opinion I have formed based off of what I can already see is happening in the server...
  15. Jay Martinez

    Air Tanks added to the marina

    -1 Only because making there air tanks easily accessible will only worsen the current water meta where crim A gets in a pursuit, then drives their car off the end of the pier to protect whatever they have stored in it and then gets out and keeps swimming until the police give up or Crim B comes...