Yes i am aware now. I honestly thought you could. Still kinda new to arma 3 and realistic it can be. Ie only found out the other day that sound can rickashay off buildings putting you off where a gunshot could come from.
The RDM rule states that you are not to randomly kill someone without initiating rp beforehand. To do so means you have broken the server rule. To give sufficient time to comply with an order you have given. IE put your hands up or i will shoot you mand giving them 5 seconds to do so.
I understand i had bumped my post that goes against the unban request rules. All i can do is apologise for the bump and accept that i now understand what i should've done instead.
Please note the following before you start your appeal:
Do not contact admins via PM or on Team-speak about unbans!
Unban Appeals are the lowest priority and as it is your responsibility to learn and follow our rules there are no timeframes.
If you "bump" your appeal or keep asking...
In-game Name
Steam ID
The date of your ban.
Member of the team that banned you.
Reason given for your ban.
The Server you initially were banned on.
Server 1
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
I was using...
If i'm unbanned then ill be happy to give back compensation. as your video shows we were way off. as i hit the wrong key to record my version i can not prove i statement that i was a lot closer on my screen. I could understand a argument that i didn't give you enough time to stop, but as we were...
Ahh i can now see the video. On my screen you were a lot closer. One of us were lagging as i was much closer and had shouted get out of you effin car. Maybe i was in the wrong for not giving you enough time to respond. But you were defo closer and what i would of though was communication distance