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  1. Fulton

    Report a player - ID 122 - GTA RP

    I have not referenced any incidents outside any of the videos we have provided. But like you said, I we will leave it to the admins. I believe I've covered everything that needs to be talked about.
  2. Fulton

    Report a player - ID 122 - GTA RP

    You were at a severe disadvantage as you had a gun pointed at your head and you were unarmed. In this video below, you can evidently see that you were outnumbered. Also in the video, you can clearly hear me issue a command to enter a vehicle numerous times. You walked around the vehicle until...
  3. Fulton

    Report a player - ID 122 - GTA RP

    Hello, I am ID 122. I would like to start off with mentioning how you did not end up dead in this situation on the initial firefight. I would also like to comment on the fact that we did not shoot you at all to begin with. Instead, while attempting to make a situation with you as a hostage, was...
  4. Fulton

    Richards Majestic | Cinematic Production Requests

    Is your production for a character, group or company? Police Division Who is the production for? LSPS - CID Link to relevant forum post Tell me about your character, group or company CID is the intelligence sector of the police service. We work on large scale OCG activity and hitting...
  5. Fulton

    Report a player - 414, 417, Billy Stevens - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Fulton Name of the player(s) you are reporting: 414, 417, Billy Stevens Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 03/24/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1430 What best describes this incident ?: Extremely Poor RP, G2.5, G7.3...
  6. Fulton

    Report a player - ID - 256 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Fulton Name of the player(s) you are reporting: ID - 256 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 03/20/21 Time of the incident (GMT): 1743 What best describes this incident ?: Racism To Another Community Memeber Please...
  7. Fulton

    House storage space different depending on price of property.

    I agree with this, It could be integrated into a housing upgrade system too. So you pay more each time you upgrade the storage on a menu but limit the amount of upgrades based on the value of the property.
  8. Fulton

    Make It More Difficult To Escape Prison

    I think what would be a good solution is preventing helicopter escapes fully for realism or make it extremely hard as it seems far too easy to do. Harder than taking down a few radio masts. Another good way is to randomise what you actually have to do each restart so that someone can never truly...
  9. Fulton

    Make It More Difficult To Escape Prison

    If anyone has any ideas on a system that would increase the difficulty and risk of escaping from prison please. All we see is people pulling helicopters, landing in the courtyard and they're gone. Nothing the police can do even if we arrive on time.  Just to add a bit more clarity, I dont...
  10. Fulton

    Twitter Delete Function

    I also agree with this, I think this is a better solution
  11. Fulton

    Twitter Delete Function

    I actually totally agree, I forgot to think about it in that respect
  12. Fulton

    £35M Scam....

    Looks like a loan-shark had his plans backfired...
  13. Fulton

    Twitter Delete Function

    Recently, I accidentally posted a tweet on the wrong account for my character. I think that it would be nice for the future, just in case, if we could have a function where we can delete tweets we either dont want on anymore or tweets that we accidentally post. 
  14. Fulton

    Image support for Twitter

    Add a way for admins to be able to delete anything inappropriate that is posted would be a good solution to this issue.
  15. Fulton

    Unban Appeal - Fulton - Altis Life

    So when i used to be an admin, we IP banned hackers that came to our server as habitual offenders on new or hijacked steam accounts under the same IP. This was a good measure as it meant that people had to change their IPs or use VPNs which were usually detected by battlemetrics or scripts on...
  16. Fulton

    Unban Appeal - Fulton - Altis Life

    @WilcoThat is my 1 and only steam account I put the steam account that the support member said i was linked to by mistake
  17. Fulton

    Unban Appeal - Fulton - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Fulton  In-game Name: Fulton Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198257219024 The date you got banned: 21/12/20 Member of the team that banned you: Roberts Reason given for your ban: Script Kiddie In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I suspect it...