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  1. Diab

    Compensation Request - Diab - GTA RP

    Hello @Stuart Is there by any chance any updates on this? Thank you 🙂
  2. Diab

    Compensation Request - Diab - GTA RP

    Thank you so much @Stuart, much appreciated ❤️
  3. Diab

    Compensation Request - Diab - GTA RP

    Unfortunately i do not, i asked around in OOC for like 20 minutes and finally got a reply from staff that i need the recording of purchase. At that time 10 minutes had already passed from my recordings. I had already contacted them on discord on the spot. However, it still does show that the...
  4. Diab

    Aston Martin DBS Bug fix request

    Hello,  Aston Martin DBS, window tints don't apply in customs, and under glow also doesn't show in previews ( I still didn't purchase it to try it, but as far as i can see it previews it also doesn't apply)  I opened a discord ticket, and the devs asked me to open a ticket saying it can be...
  5. Diab

    Aston Martin DBS, Window Tints & Underglow Bug Fix please

    Hello,  Aston Martin DBS, window tints don't apply in customs, and under glow also doesnt show in previews ( I still didnt purchase it to try it, but as far as i can see it previews it also doesnt apply)  I opened a discord ticket, and the devs asked me to open a ticket saying it can be...
  6. Diab

    Compensation Request - Diab - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Kindred Surprise Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198166231370 The date when this happened: 02/07/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: I tried to purchase Tinted windows on my car, the money was taken and it didn't appear on the car. In addition...
  7. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    This issue was resolved via a call between myself and the concerned parties. 
  8. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    Bro i lost more than 30K on this shit , in addition to the 500 Cocaine you guys stole.  David who are you in game, as i dont recall the name.  I'm in the city atm you can reach me at 821-8021
  9. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    Yo, as far as i'm concerned we covered everything that has to do with rule breaking and shit, but if you want to meet up in character just me and you and try to resolve this shit peacefully like adults you got my number so hit me up, you got my number. As i said, i don't mind us continuing RP...
  10. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    If you don't remember the first time we dumped both you and your mate, then its all good. We were supposed to dump you and get it over with. But you kept coming back for more. Since apparently you don't die but reincarnate with all your memories. 
  11. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    You obviously can't read, as i said i don't aim to ban people so i didn't have video capture. I got it after all this shit happened. Literally the first thing i recorded was the trap that happened everything after that.  Anyway, explained the entire situation, so let admins decide on the...
  12. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    Are you really trying to spin this around?  The fact that you knew that i met luke (which was 2 days ago, and never met him in game afterwards) was because you saw my name being invited to a discord channel.  Then you randomly come to me on the street and say kindred? We got some work to...
  13. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    Well it was either you or Ben, doesn't matter. There is no way i could find that out, since you clearly did not role play. This has been going on all day and it all started with you guys meta gaming my name and dragging me into a feud when i clearly did not even know you even existed. The...
  14. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    I do not have evidence of the leading up evidence, which is regardless of the report. The report is simply due to the fact that you always remember what happened after we kill you and throw you in the pier. And in the video you clearly explained that this is personal, which is not in accordance...
  15. Diab

    Report a player - 72,82,56 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Kindred Surprise Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 72,82,56 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/06/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1700 What best describes this incident ?: Metagaming...