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  1. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - Adam Busy - GTA RP

    Hello I am responding to the report as I was the guy on the bf400. I'd like to start that I infact hear Bobby say hand up don't press your panic or radio for anything. This would be in he part of your video that's so unfortunate that's its bugged at the exact moment.(coincidence) I'd also like...
  2. Danny Rodgers

    Nissan Titan made into a 4 wheel drive

    Would it be possible to make the nissan titan into 4 wheel drive rather than just rear wheel would make it much more fun for offroad use and more realistic 
  3. Danny Rodgers

    Indian Chief Dark Horse Seats

    Its a option in customs to remove it if I remember correctly but still doesn't work and does say its a 2 seater at purchase 
  4. Danny Rodgers

    Indian Chief Dark Horse Seats

    Would love to see this fixed due to owning one also its a great bike 
  5. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - Unknown video bugged - GTA RP

    Gmt +0 and between 00:15am 01:30 am
  6. Danny Rodgers

    Audi RS6 Sedan & Avant

    The camero and the Indian dark horse  has the same issue it's completely covered in dirt after less than a mile on the road needs cleaning everytime you park it 
  7. Danny Rodgers

    Harley Davidson fatboy issue

    I made a ticket about how the harley fatboy has a bug as when it falls over you cannot pick it up a while ago. I got a message saying its been resolved but yet there's still a bug with the same issue . https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/uY7qVlPZ88U_U/d1337W1dp9bz?invite=cr-MSxiS0YsMjAzOTg0NjYs...
  8. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - Unknown video bugged - GTA RP

    We've said our points it was taken to ts and was sadly not resolved. we have put this report in for you to provide your evidence on your side of the story.  We arn't here to argue we are stating what has been seen and recorded.  And leave it upto other party's to decide on the situation now. I...
  9. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - Unknown video bugged - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Danny Rodgers Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Unknown video bugged Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 08/16/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: -- What best describes this incident ?: Meta...
  10. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 656 - GTA RP

    Appreciated glad it's resolved 
  11. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 656 - GTA RP

    Just loading up my pc if you wanna go either ts or discord and tell me which room 
  12. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 656 - GTA RP

    I will be around about 9ish 
  13. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 656 - GTA RP

    Well 1 your new "bike club" caused issues at our club we managed to catch one of you and then we baited you guys to the bike club in paleto with full intention to kill you guys. I drove past to confirm it was you guys I would guess if you'd just join your club a hour prior they'd of told you...
  14. Danny Rodgers

    Report a player - 656 - GTA RP

    I am 656 and I drove over you as you had previously kidnapped 2 of my mates in the day and been causing issues with our bike club. I had been told that if I was to see you guys I was to kill you on site due to the fact you had killed our members and been causing issues around our club house. I...
  15. Danny Rodgers


    Yamaha r1 and r6. kawasaki ninja h2 honda cbr. A shit tonne of harleys. 1 Indian. 1 bmw. 1 ducatti. And that's all I can think of atm 
  16. Danny Rodgers

    Harley Davidson fatboy issue

    Cheers Ben
  17. Danny Rodgers

    Harley Davidson fatboy issue

    Completely forgot I'll get the bike club to grab some if I forget
  18. Danny Rodgers

    Harley Davidson fatboy issue

    I'll get some screenshots tonight when am in the city 
  19. Danny Rodgers

    Chevvy Camero dirt pattern

    Any chance of fixing this dirt pattern so you can do more than a mile without having to clean it so often like other cars.