Maybe use NHS instead.... They might not ever be around (I can say that shut up), don't see why they should have 100% when they are Dodgy sketchy doctors not by medical equipment and just randomly placed around
Steam ID: --
Character ID: --
When did this happen: 07/22/23
Summary: Bugs with Otto's shop
Full Description:
When walking inside the MLO people can go invisible, and be unable to be heard.
There are two sets of doors, if you lock and unlock the shop only people that wasn't close...
I drive like a absolute drunk maniac and I've never lost my license on any character, I don't see any positives in lowering the 3 weeks and taking it down to 1 week would be idiotic imo
No case would go through as they would drive themselves to court and case dropped (been there done that)...
Should be more like ordering at AE or Tire Nuts, you can select all the tattoos you want, see how it looks and then buy. Not just buy one, buy next... etc
+1 For UI change
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Hello @BenIsBanned
Thank you for taking time to submit this request!
Upon review of the footage you have provided, I will be APPROVED
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Cash x26,124
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Why would not voting for this give more focus on bikes?
Think a lot of people like myself agree we all want more bikes, but if your thinking is less focus on cars will somehow grant more focus on bikes I don't see how that checks out...
Just like with your old post, I would also like...