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  1. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @Stuart I’m not sure how many chances are given but I can agree Staff has been very lenient towards myself, which I highly appreciate.    This is the first ever roleplay server I have played as it was the first UK one I found after getting a PC - back in August. Because of this, sometimes I...
  2. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @Stuart Oh I apologise. Hopefully I answer your question this time.  I had transferred money to buy some items (funding my character) I believe it might have been a new vehicle of some sort.
  3. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @Stuart It was my chosen method of transferring the money across. Just thought it was the simplest way of doing so unfortunately.
  4. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @Stuart To be truthful, I didn’t think it was acceptable but I felt like I done it once so I just risked using my police character. Silly I know. I regret my actions and I don’t want to have to deal with my other character’s anymore and want Gee and Harlow gone.    That was the first time I...
  5. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @Stuart I am inclined to say character separation. I do admit 100% to using the container and it was wrong. The reason why I used it was to just have a way of storing items without having another container on other characters. It’s bad looking back on it now as it broke more rules. I apologise...
  6. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    Hello @Stuart To be brutally honest, I’m not sure but does it have something to do with the storage container I had a while back? Also, I did read the rules yes but not aware of other rules I may have broken unfortunately. 
  7. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @StuartI believe so. It’s the only time I’ve transferred between characters.
  8. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    @StuartIt was from Harlow Milner to Gee Ramirez, hence why I said my character name was Harlow 
  9. Richard

    Unban Appeal - richarddias - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for richarddias  In-game Name: Harlow Milner Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199184003129 Ban ID: !!rpuk9371!! Reason given for your ban: (G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method. In your own words, please type why you think you...
  10. Richard

    Report a player - 142 - GTA RP

    Realise that talks about you (criminal side) not shooting police?
  11. Richard

    Report a player - 142 - GTA RP

    Plan on replying about the report…?
  12. Richard

    Report a player - 142 - GTA RP

    Okay Nex, I’ll tell the story from the start.  My POV of the situation: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/iJZOCNhfEvKnt A unit, L1-1, informed us over the radio they had seen someone handshaking and they had seen a firearm in their hand as they jumped off the bike (this being you but we...
  13. Richard

    drug selling hotspots

    Although I like the high risk; high reward idea, I can see this becoming a problem for police dispatches.  This can be good for early hours when there is little to do, but for peak hours like after 8pm restart, it can quickly become irritating and quickly fills the dispatch system. Unless...
  14. Richard

    Medal Settings

    @Hexzino I have seen this being a reoccurring problem with other people, however I’ve never experienced this happen. Off the top of my head, I’d suggest you make sure you’re Output and Input are set appropriately to rule out that problem as that is what I did from day one of using Medal. If I...
  15. Richard

    Report a player - 152 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Connor Connards Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 152 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 04/08/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1240 What best describes this incident ?: Combat Log...
  16. Richard

    Compensation Request - richarddias - GTA RP

    I was having a look over the stream to see if Phoenix had placed the bullets inside the Evidence Locker, which he did at 34:15, this moment shows Phoenix typing out the number ‘47’ and dragging the ammo across. From 22:49 - 34:15 we can see Phoenix doesn’t take any other Pistol Ammo from anyone...
  17. Richard

    Compensation Request - richarddias - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Gee Ramirez Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199184003129 The date when this happened: 04/05/22 Please provide full detail and evidence: https://www.roleplay.co.uk/topic/138352-report-a-player-72-amp-77-gta-rp/#comment-790717 Link to any evidence...
  18. Richard

    Report a player - 72 & 77 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Gee Ramirez Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 72 & 77 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 04/05/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1630 What best describes this incident ?: RDM Please...
  19. Richard

    Mute Music Option in F1 Menu

    I like the idea in general but maybe even a volume adjuster that is in the F1 may help? Because then everyone can have the music set to their preference. 