Other than the lag/desync, I don't believe its reasonable to use NHS or Police response times in as a factor to reduce slots.
Police always responds to as many calls as possible and due to us being a rather sized faction we are able to spread out our units over broad areas on the map.
Now if...
Report a player
Your In-game Name: Jesse Smith
Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 1151
Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP
Date of the incident: 12/30/22
Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 0350
What best describes this incident ?: (C2.3)
Please (in...
Brief Summary:
Remove snowheap from MRPD and reduce snowball stack size to 20-30
Detailed Suggestion:
In the recent days with the snowballs certain elements of roleplay are far from what they should be.
Especially for Police its very hard at the moment where as you are interrupted by...
It again would turn police into vending machines and impact the current gun meta in an even more negative way.
Imagine getting robbed by random baldies with jammed guns. Every single person held at gunpoint needs to value their life and because people cannot discern a broken firearms from a...
I've had this bug happen to myself multiple times as well.
I did not use the tattoo shop in the same session(s).
What stands out as well is that its happened multiple times that I swap from the patrol uniform to formals (saved clothing) then when I get downed my loadout reversed back to the...
Yeah I met her as well when life invader was being manned by some businesslads.
Mavis just wanted to sign up for the bingo night.
Pretty much all encounters I had with her made me laugh at the very least. Other than the time she stole me car at Mission Row.
Life has never been the same for me after Vespucci! 😞
Honestly, I was talking to @Nikolaithat this week has been one of my most fun weeks on FiveM.
The things we have done and witnissed have been so exciting and different which just refreshed my entire experience here as well.
I agree, whether I am on as police or my civvie whenever I meet Calum its always fun to be around him.
Especially the Calums karaoke performances were great. Its a shame we don't have his version of 'Now you're gone' on record.
Keep up the good stuff @Calum Morgan