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  1. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - Chappie - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  2. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - BojoBill - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  3. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - Tsnipz - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  4. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - BojoBill - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken axe?
  5. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - Baz - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  6. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - Harvey02 - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  7. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - AdamMono - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  8. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - mmertkol - GTA RP

    what is it you're looking to get comped? do you no longer have the broken pistol?
  9. Nikolai

    Compensation Request - JordanDMK - GTA RP

    what? what is it you're looking to get comped?
  10. Nikolai

    Speed Camera Disable Adjustment

    Advanced lockpick is a bit overkill for a speed camera Lockpick or "brute" force it open(but instantly alarm police before you're done, or something) with a crowbar/other melee weapons
  11. Nikolai

    Suggestion: No gunfights in Hospitals

    easy, add a Gx.1 stating "fleeing into hospital to avoid getting shot is blah blah blah" and so on don't think we should not allow shooting in pillbox tho, i'd prefer gangs not shooting in pillbox, most repeat offenders(that i'm aware of) have been rather quickly "goverment" raided or raided...
  12. Nikolai


    tbf, believe it's 50 channels per "section"/"tree" on discord, don't believe there's a overall limit
  13. Nikolai

    Speed Camera Disable Adjustment

    well we do need a kit and i believe we have a minigame(wheel) for it aswell, might be wrong tho
  14. Nikolai

    Sandy Shores Scrap Yard

    scrap yard is not techincally freed up (y)
  15. Nikolai

    Gang Suggestion | Engraved Pistols.

    i wouldn't mind them back but i would also not mind the melee weapon stuff
  16. Nikolai

    Enable/Disable chat

    as long as it keeps server announcements from staff/devs, LOOC and you being @ed i'll plus 1 some of the blue notifications tend to be more annoying than useful for longer standing members from what i've seen
  17. Nikolai

    Using turf to avoid police encounters.

    other people would, and it's not always a RP killer, i have had my fair share of encounters with gangs being somewhat chill when you just explain to them why the chase happened initially. though obviously, depends on crim/gang and their recent experiences with police
  18. Nikolai


    +1, don't agree with phasing through cars though, kinda ruins my immersion 🤓 could also "easily" be going this direction with the help of the relevant people ingame aswell, the racing stuff is not really a secret anymore given police have been using them publically to organise races. make the...
  19. Nikolai

    Member Cap Whitelisted vs Un-Whitelisted.

    -1, kinda agree with Reece, it's rarely the fault of the group but rather a set of people within a group
  20. Nikolai

    Using turf to avoid police encounters.

    i(as a staff person) have also not heard of gang turfs being "fully manned", though i do see the thought behind it -1 to suggestion, if crims go to their turfs and you decide to continue your chase it's on you