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  1. Nikolai

    Danish International Gang - DIG

  2. Nikolai

    A wider variety of civillian Jobs

    businesses only have a certain amount of slots for employees
  3. Nikolai

    Danish International Gang - DIG

    what a gross flag
  4. Nikolai

    Danish International Gang - DIG

    i'm not gonna join a danish gang despite being danish lol held og lykke dog!
  5. Nikolai

    Mechanic Job - Blips/Dispatches

    most of the time the cars have most likely despawned rather then been moved +1 tho
  6. Nikolai

    Car Radios - Improving Functionality

    use spotify no?
  7. Nikolai

    Some new legal jobs ideas.

    don't think the option of a "private taxi" should be doable, people already speed about in the normal taxis. if you want to use your own car as a taxi service, try and get players, adds more RP anyway +1 to garbage job tho
  8. Nikolai

    +1 to this

    +1 to this
  9. Nikolai

    CoC - 6 Month Policy Change

    this already got suggested once and was denied by myself. the current policy is here to stay at this point in time, the possibility of it changing is next to none
  10. Nikolai

    how to claim your compensation requests

    To Claim your Compensation Claim Note: This method will only work if specifically specified in your compensation request by the approving member of staff. Until the backend for staff is complete. In order to claim your compensation you need to go to the City Hall found on the map. From the...
  11. Nikolai

    Incapacitated following serious motorcycle accident, need help paying for house.

    @RavinGaminmake a ticket bud, i'm sure we can figure out somethign
  12. Nikolai

    Unban Appeal - OGpurp02 - GTA RP

    you haven't really explained why you think you were banned, stating "i broke rules, and i will never do it again" simply isn't enough try again In your own words, please type why you think you were banned:
  13. Nikolai

    Debit Card

  14. Nikolai


    trailers tend to be really buggy and kinda fling back and forth, which can cause more issues than it's worth, but i'm down to give it a shot
  15. Nikolai

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Thank you for doing your part in keeping the community clean. Your report has been approved and action has been taken against the reported player. If you are out of pocket due to this case please now open a compensation request here, Do make sure to mention this report.
  16. Nikolai

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    right, let's get this sorted then. given the reported party hasn't responded(and probably doesn't have a forums account given how new he looks) there's not much point waiting on a response for longer than we already have. going off our logs, and everything else we have, we have come to the...
  17. Nikolai

    Grove Street Vehicles and Locals

    i mean GTA V lore states Ballas owns grove street, so depending on how deeply we're following gta v lore it's accurate lol, i do get why you want it changed tho
  18. Nikolai

    Report a player - Unknown - GTA RP

    Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!
  19. Nikolai

    Panic Button Change

    yea, short animation of the officer putting their hand to the radio, just like when they talk on radio
  20. Nikolai

    Unban Appeal - MikeyDaMike - GTA RP

    this will be denied, we don't take kindly to racist, immature individuals like you, i'll apply a cooldown on a month, come back 23/08/23 Denied