An absolute legend and with us from the early days! Cuzzy Prada Gucci will be sorely missed but hopefully he’s giving fattima a good seeing to back in India! Brought tears to my eyes watching you fly into the sunset
Forever remembered Pradesh Bahlder Choudhary 💛💛💛
But we all still use phones, it’s more for certain situations where people might not want to meet in person.
For example I had one of my members on the run from connor great last night and while he was on the phone to me I was with Conor so would have been good to put him on loud speaker to...
So are you saying burner phones shouldn’t be a thing because it would be too hard to catch you?
Police have so many resources and assets compared to civs and there are many ways they could catch you even with a burner phone just a little extra work such as surveillance, spying, following the...
The ability to put your phone on speaker so other players can hear the person your speaking to.
this would be good feature to improve rp and let’s people join in on conversations as well.
Pros: more interactions and more realistic
cons: Dev work
does this effect server balance: No
Mine was to become a cool drug dealer, troll and wind people up laughing at them shouting as police characters, now I sit in my room and shout at people as an Indian nut case 🤣 love it and what a journey
Crim is boring without police and police would be boring without decent standard of crims. No police wants to come on for 6 hours giving out speeding tickets or fines to baldys.
Need more decent criminal activity’s 100% everyone’s said it for ages and there’s plenty suggestions up on how to do...
Compensation Request
In-game Name: mick mac
Game: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199118532720
The date when this happened: 04/08/22
Please provide full detail and evidence: Looking for items lost due to RVDM which was accepted in report here ...
Exactly why a wee donation can improve the server and help out the guys devoting personal time and effort into constantly developing the amazing game 😁
but also sure I’ve seen some other servers with a stock market system so it is possible as @Mike Polosays however I’m an idiot with no clue...