Would it be possible to implement storage similar to/the same as gang storage?
The rangers have been receiving donations of bandages and repair kits from the community and storing them will soon become a issue. It would make the supplies much easier to access when we clock on and means we can...
The past 3 days? There usually is... a lot of animals but not since the big update the other night. At least, that's the case for me and 4 other rangers right now?
+1 I've had a few meetings over the past couple of days and both me and the other people were constantly recieveing calls and texts which made it very frustrating. In real life we both would of had our phones on DND in that situation.
Yeah absolutely, this is what annoys me is how easily people can abuse the job. Take 20 photos in a super fast car and you’ve got a musket and never come back. Honestly, I’ve got so many ideas ready to burst that would work better in a discord rather than a group chat where messages disappear or...
I only ask because Astrid has been a ranger for almost 2 1/2 months now and hasn't seen him 😅 Astrid took on the role of head ranger after the police appointed her on the 13th August and I then made a forum post about implementing improvements.
I just wondered if it’s possible to have a text channel added to the discord for the National Park Rangers?
I’ve got so many ideas to increase and enrich the park rangers role in the city that doesn’t need any dev input (although I do have ideas for that also, just waiting for business...