Please give us your correct steam ID
Please add more detail to your appeal in the following sections.
Before we start to entertain this appeal you need to show us that you're serious and can actually put abit of effort into this.
Are you going to be around to reply to this appeal? Please do not waste staff time and let it time out again.
It has been a while since you received your ban, please quote us the rule you broke and explain them to us in your own words ~ the more detail the better.
This is not your first encounter with staff in the past month. You have also received a warning regarding threats to report.
Could you explain to us why at the time of the incident did you think it was sufficient to use lethal force? You realise what you have done wrong now that you have...
You have me confused now after reading through your appeal.
Just to get some things straight.
You thought you did not have to hot MIC your communications so you would comply with the "3-1 Rule" ? - Or am i missing your point ?
Just to make it clear for anyone reading the 3-1 rule is not a...
You forgot about landing in the GZ? Even though you received a warning from a staff member 8 Days prior to your ban.
You also received a very stern / last warning for some VERY questionable RP days before. I wont repeat what you said here.
This is NOT a mistake, do you really care so little...
Signature photo via URL - Yes
Upload the photo to Imgur - or a website like it
right click on the photo and select "View image" copy that link and input it into your signature box - If I remember correctly there is a limit to the height and width to the photo and how many lines can be in your...
You claiming to be drunk and the ban being over a year old is not a get out of jail free card.
If you get drunk again, are you going to log back in and just break rules again? - Your appeal has not convinced me otherwise.
Quote the rules you broke and explain them to us.
Launch arma, in the top right somewhere! In bed currently so not sure exactly where it is but if you have a look around I'm sure youll find it 🙂
Profiles have broken somethings for me on other servers, but never on RPUK. You will have to rebind any customs keys again though.