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  1. matbreeze101

    If someone robs my house

    (This is USA law not U.K.)That's not true my friend. If someone breaks into your house in real life you have every right to shoot. It doesn't even matter if the person is un armed or armed you can put as manny rounds as you wish into him as long as you feel like your threatened and are defending...
  2. matbreeze101

    If someone robs my house

    Lol my house would get raided 30x a day. I'll just buy one in unmc territory and call them for backup if I get raided :)
  3. matbreeze101

    If someone robs my house

    Yeah I know, just made me play that scenario out in my head.... Like walking up to three armed men and telling them to leave or else they would be shot. Just can't see that working out in my favor lol. Personally I think a rule should be added about kos when someone is inside your home but...
  4. matbreeze101

    If someone robs my house

    So let's say someone is robbing my house, I get to my house and see 3 men breaking down my door and going in, can I shoot on sight or do I have to initiate? 
  5. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Kian Parker - Other (Report Rejected)

    I didn't. I can see how I messed up though, if you want I can give you enough money to buy a heli oh and thanks for the ear plug thing, that's gonna be useful 
  6. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Kian Parker - Other (Report Rejected)

    I record a lot I can check. I thought all garages were safe zones so I never really pay attention when I'm storing. I was going off for the day and if you rewind the video I was in front of him when he initiated at 0:13. Should've been direct when I was in the heli not when I passed him and was...
  7. matbreeze101

    I want a blackmarket house

    Mainly want a 2 story home, we will talk prices once I see it OR If you own this house/garage PLEASE contact me, Im willing to buy :) https://gyazo.com/fe06c4959675dd4078356d9940cb65b9 https://gyazo.com/f7ffd3149c0670a8108b50c744210224 https://gyazo.com/70b79e6d128a54f012a25029e115bd2e
  8. matbreeze101


    "IM FAST AS FUCK BOIIIII" lmfao that got me good ;)
  9. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Kian Parker - Other (Report Rejected)

    I didnt even see you till i stored and turned around, thats when i said ''what'' and i heard you tell me to put my hands up so I did. By the time you actually pulled out your gun I was almost at the sign then you said ''hello sir'' which took an extra .4 seconds and i was already scrolling to...
  10. matbreeze101

    What do I do? :(

    Yeah maybe that would work if it wasnt 10km from kavala. Thats the main reason I think they dont want to help...because of how far it is.
  11. matbreeze101

    What do I do? :(

    Nope they won't. That's exactly what I said. I said "I really want to buy this house, now I know you can't give me his name but what if you ask the guy first if I can have it so I can send him an offer for the house" and they responded saying the same thing staff said "we aren't estate agents...
  12. matbreeze101

    What do I do? :(

    So I really want this house....but there's no way of finding out who the owner is. I asked staff and they told me to get the cops to help me. Cops refused to help me because they said it's not public information even after I said they could ask the guy if it's okay for me to have it so I can...
  13. matbreeze101

    DP6 Beach house

    Looking into buying a home by DP6 (Tonos bay) mainly on the beach. Name you're price and make sure to include screenshots. There's a particular house I want there but I doubt the owner of it will see this.
  14. matbreeze101

    Un-ban Appeal - matbreeze101 - 02/10/2017 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Snow Flake Steam ID 7815722935 The date of your ban. 02/04/2017 Member of the team that banned you. TomTheDoge Reason given for your ban. Attitude The Server you initially were banned on. Teamspeak In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. We were...
  15. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Snow flake, Ben troast - Other (Report Rejected)

    Chasing someone is telling them to stop and them fleeing and you going after, following someone is not saying a word or anything and well.....following them. Im sorry its an inconvenience to you that we had to go as we had plans to leave just as you wanted to rob us. I play like 10 hours a day...
  16. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Snow flake, Ben troast - Other (Report Rejected)

    Because I know your planing on initiating and we didnt want to play. So we left before you did. If you read what i said, I was trying to lose you till i realized I wouldnt be able to because my truck is too easy to spot thats when I just stored it and left. and although I obviously knew you...
  17. matbreeze101

    Bounty Hunter

    good point, never though of that. Thanks :)
  18. matbreeze101

    Bounty Hunter

    Hey so me and my friend don't really enjoy playing as rebels so we decided to give bounty hunter a shot and bought the lisence. So far my experience hasn't been too great, personally I feel like the cops try to arrest you more than the person you bring in lol. But anyways I just want to know...
  19. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Snow flake, Ben troast - Other (Report Rejected)

    Obviously I knew you were up to no good, that's why I passed the garage and tried to lose you till I realized how God damn big my truck was lol that's when I was like screw it, and just went to the garage and put it in and left. Wasting time.  Should've had one of your buddies jump out to...
  20. matbreeze101

    Report a Player - Snow flake, Ben troast - Other (Report Rejected)

    Staff feel free to delete my comment if I'm not allowed on. What actually happened was me and my friend were siting at the hospital waiting for another friend to get on steam to ask if he wanted to play arma with us or go onto csgo. He came on and said he didn't feel like playing arma. So me and...