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  1. jMz

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Ban me cause I miss posted then double posted :(
  2. jMz

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned cause you got confused over what it is I thought you did 
  3. jMz

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned cause someone thought Hawkeye was Putin (at least I hope they didn't think I was Putin) after you changed your avatar :P
  4. jMz

    Ban the Person above you game.

    Banned for changing your avatar cause I love Simon Pegg =]
  5. jMz

    Ban the Person above you game.

    banned for not catching the swan early enough and forcing you to waste time that could have been needed elsewhere later on =] Edit* That sly avatar change to make my post look silly :P
  6. jMz


    I came here to get away from CS:GO, just like 1.6 it was fun at the beginning and quickly became too serious, toxic and full of cheaters :P Here I will showcase my downfall from the top in 2012/2013 haha; I went from Global Elite/SMFC, top 10 in UNGL EU, playing for a sponsored org...
  7. jMz

    I am jMz

    So is a 9 truck convoy heroin run :P Not that I would do such a thing ;)
  8. jMz

    Altis News Photo Report - Meet the UNMC

    Fantastic =]
  9. jMz

    I am jMz

    I do love a good apple, I may even extend my reach to peaches =]
  10. jMz

    I am jMz

    Got my friend involved now (Michael). Will get him to come to the forum soon. That's three Glaswegians kicking about now Ross :P (my cousin should be getting involved at the end of the month too). Had my first experience of some proper role play last night, driving about with Michael and 3...
  11. jMz

    I am jMz

    hahaha :P  
  12. jMz

    I am jMz

      Oh the RANGERS we DO oh the RANGERS we do, oh the RANGERS we do oh RANGERS WE LOVE YOU :P haha hoping you could help me out, I've read the rules but is there a list of laws somewhere too? :) p.s. I don't dislike Celtic fans, in small doses :P
  13. jMz

    I am jMz

    Khandamir I must be awesome, read them all ready and will read them again later just to be on the safe side. Had trouble with Arma crashing on loading last night so didn't get much play time (sorted it out now, I hope) but should be picking more apples tonight Ross, happy to share some...
  14. jMz

    I am jMz

    Thank y00 :P
  15. jMz

    I am jMz

    Thanks =]
  16. jMz

    I am jMz

    Hey all, Long time fps PC gamer (CS1.6 + CS:GO) played a little DayZ and some Arma3 Epoch. Now looking to try out some Altis Life. Was on server 2 earlier to get familiarised and had a little giggle picking apples.  My name is James I a from Alexandria (Outside of Glasgow) in Scotland and...