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  1. Ahri

    Storage box

    @Ciaran If it's possible that you might see these suggestion for the future, Agios Car shop fixed or disabled. -Because cars that are bought here do not spawn and can only be collected from the garage after restart; Aircraft use fuel slower. -The pain of using aircraft that literally eat your...
  2. Ahri

    Storage box

    The new framework? Sounds interesting. ps, It's great to see a really active owner! //Wow I summoned somebody of a high level of majesticness. :o // #Ignore Mind Being Blown #You Saw Nothing. EDIT; What do you mean; Scenes?
  3. Ahri

    Storage box

    Mine went even worse, Its sticking out of my house... and the others are blocking the doors, Devs, If you're reading this, Pls make storage boxes moveable, or at least allow them to be picked up by the person who placed them. ;-; @Cieran @Those Other Guys D;
  4. Ahri

    Weapons And Gear Lost Due To Server Desync.

    How did you find out?
  5. Ahri

    Weapons And Gear Lost Due To Server Desync.

    @TomPT , Why did you "like" this? xD
  6. Ahri

    Weapons And Gear Lost Due To Server Desync.

    Just checked the number of Compensation Requests, I don't think mine will get noticed. D;
  7. Ahri

    Weapons And Gear Lost Due To Server Desync.

    Oh my god, Where to start? My INGAME NAME is as Follows; // [STL] Ahri // My Steam Id Is Also, AS Follows;  // STEAM_0:1:56458859 // Date/Time Of Incident; // Sometime In The Afternoon, Definitely After 4:00PM. (GMT) How Am I supposed to know ;-; ON THE 5th AUGUST 2015 (05//08//2015)...