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  1. M

    Un-ban Appeal - Matt Hardy - 06/04/2016 (Unbanned)

    Hey, I honestly didnt know that the combat log was the reason. Who ever I spoke to over the weekend misinformed me when I asked on teamspeak what the reason was when I read out the screenshot below I hope this helps now.  Thanks
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    Un-ban Appeal - Matt Hardy - 06/04/2016 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Matt Hardy Steam ID 76561198110561384 The date of your ban. 06/10/2014 Member of the team that banned you. dont know Reason given for your ban. dont know The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I...
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    Hi WIlco I am just wondering what you require for me to play on the server again? I can only assume that I have been a little cooling off period judging by this thread? Be good to get back in the server and continue my venture :) Wilco check your PM also, have a little idea
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    :ph34r:   :ph34r:   :ph34r:   :ph34r:
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    Here you go again with your trolling assumptions again!! Who was crying, I was laughing my ass off when you attempted to give me a 50k ticket!
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    Because every other copper in the server isn't as anal as you pal thats why. I got invited to play on the server by some friends and you just spoilt the whole experience for me by dishing out tickets and and not taking jokes. I played the role of a journalist (or "pressman" as you call it) to...
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    ROTFLMFAO - Sorry I had to fall on the floor and laugh So your telling me you're not pretending to be a copper linking people to the public order act? Seriously dude, its a RPG server but theres limits and your head is to far up it! Joe get with the real world dude, its a game - A GAME
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    Unbann Request Opa Rotbart

    Well if you followed the rules rather than making them up (Issuing 50k tickets for a joke, and sending people to jail without issuing them a ticket) as you went along then people wouldnt get annoyed with you. I remember saying in the video I was going to report you, your reply was "its not the...
  9. M


    What Belynz's as just said to you I would take onboard literally. Your responses on here prove your age! Posting immature links of an hillbilly and some american crying? What relevance does that have? Put it this way you havent given me any fuel to retaliate, like you said in teamspeak "make my...
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    What are you taking about? Youre going off on a tangent about something else! Wilco said leave this thread. I aint arguing with you all your doing is throwing fuel in the fire and making things worse for yourself! 
  11. M


    My point exactly....You cant take banter Joe...Like Wilco said its nothing to do with you. Did I say I wanted to come on the server and make friends?
  12. M


    And you are? Joe's Boyfriend?
  13. M


    Wilco Thanks for the reply and understanding but genuinely I had to leave for a a valid reason. I dont appreciate being called a bullshitter by an 18 year old. Yes I have read the rules again rest assured it wont happen again! Were playing online if people cant take banter then they shouldnt...
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    Joe...Look your just trolling this thread. Please leave
  15. M


    Either way where did it show you making the ticket out again - Anyway, Joe you aint an admin you aint doing yourself any justice by continually posting on here. Its now in the hands of **** Name removed **** I assume?
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    Troll? Honestly...Where did it say I refused it? I accepted it. Go to bed its past your bedtime Joe
  17. M


    If you listen in to that video where did you hear my voice say I was going to rob the bank? Talking of giving me a fine I accepted it! So he had no right to take me to jail (Making the rules up as you go along Joe?) As I mentioned I gave that dude a lift I went to leave and he jumped on it...
  18. M


    Look Joe...im going to ask you nicely, please will you leave this thread. It appears to be getting spammed with inappropriate posts
  19. M


    I admit I left the server because I had someone at the door - At the end of your VHS recording you can clearly see you taking me on a safari tour! I told you several times I had to go but you didn't listen.  Coming and spamming my thread with your irrelevant input. Because it only seems your...
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    At what point have I stated or gave you the impression im a yank? Btw thanks for helping me bump my post numbers up ;) Btw what did you record that video on - A toaster?