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  1. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    They did admit in our first liaison after clip number 1 that they were in call while he was streaming (including Cerberxs) as well as being in the same call later on while he's still streaming. Sorry if me answering is not appreciated.
  2. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    I find it strange how you're trying to make everything personal, aqnr. I don't know you and don't hold any grudge towards you, I believe that Karpen NVL'd and the others involved metagamed using his screenshare, which has also been further exposed in Cerberxs response as it seems I was right...
  3. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    Refer to clip 2 at around 2:15. You lost us in the middle of the city, under the city hall, so we were not even close to vinewood hills anyway - funny that I didn't notice that before. We go wait in the vinewood hills, after losing you under the city hall, for a bit and say at 3:03 in clip 2...
  4. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    You didn't show any of your comms leading up to finding me at the civil impound, even after someone offered them and I accepted (presumably because you guys were talking in discord during it), all I got was this 30 second clip of "oh found him found him". If you had evidence of your comms...
  5. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    Not ignoring it, I just believe you metagamed to get there and it feels quite obvious as you all have clips recorded except Jak sighting me the 2nd time and how it got to that point. You're claiming it was coincidence that you were looking there at the perfect moment to spot me. I simply don't...
  6. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    How on earth does this 30 second clip (starting half a street away), not showing the initial sighting of us, prove anything when we're wondering how you found us there when nobody was following us? As well as avoiding the straight down route from where you admittedly last saw us (Tequila-la)...
  7. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    We asked for proof that you found us at the civil impound legitimately but you never provided it, you did however provide many other clips which don't show how you found us, whilst in our clips it's evident from looking around upon going to red garage, that nobody was following and black taxi...
  8. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    Agreed, I feel like I've given enough information to this report so unless requested by staff I won't be adding more. I would however like the staff member reviewing this to take it all into account,  the "taxi man"  waiting in our general area for where we would re-enter the city, with him also...
  9. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    See image posted, surprising that gang members don't know each other's character names, or are you just avoiding giving me them? However, it shows you guys have LIED about Karpen (our hostage) not screensharing anymore - he was screensharing before you entered the city - when we took him...
  10. sigmatic

    Report a player - 160 - GTA RP

    I understand now that you can't pause a situation to liaison with anyone, I just feel it's excessive to label it metagaming (G3.1) as the situation did continue and I didn't use any OOC information to affect it as all that was said was we could liaison after the situation and then we all...
  11. sigmatic

    Report a player - 160 - GTA RP

    Yep, no excuses for the NVL. However I didn't bring OOC information into the situation, I did attempt to liaison with you guys about the metagaming you had going on, but after telling me to do it after the RP situation I returned to the situation (me talking about metagaming was not ingame...
  12. sigmatic

    Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Alex Torez Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Marabunta Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 10/25/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 12 What best describes this incident ?: NVL, Metagaming...
  13. sigmatic

    Report a player - 15/477 plus one more? - GTA RP

    I’m not sure as I’m only familiar with 2 people there but i’ll try to find out for you @Charles Vane I believe it was "477" however not 100% sure as I'm only going based off my own recording of the incident without sessionheads of gapz's character being downed by a knuckle duster as well as my...
  14. sigmatic

    Report a player - 15/477 plus one more? - GTA RP

    My apologies that you were subject to a racial slur as well as the RP going so badly after the knuckle duster incident. I feel like me (Alex/15) being in this report was undeserved as well as being painted further into a bad picture as you have lied about the reason I gave for them not coming...