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Expired Pancake
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  • @Wilco When you stated " waste our staff teams time by talking back to them or being "a smart ass" (Yes i ve done my research) I can tell you now your time here will be over fast  " What do you specifically mean with you've done your research? Had me confused about this for a few hours till I thought I'll just ask you.

    Expired Pancake
    Expired Pancake
    I'll take that as an answer.

    A status update isn’t the way of going about askin and the quotation itself is pretty explanatory; take what we’ve said in and don’t be cocky in return.

    As it’s christmas and this has been answered, I’ll lock it up.

    Merry fucking christmas.

    @Expired Pancake when i deal with perm unbans i google everyones steam ID to see what they have actually been upto in 6 months (its basic research)... go and google your own :)

    Doing this i can judge if that person is a good fit to return or might be someone who could cause issues wasting our staff teams time.

    Merry Xmas

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