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Unban Appeal - KyleJames_UNBAN - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kyle James
Steam ID: 76561198053247225
Ban ID (just the numbers): 1
Ban Reason: (C1.6) Community Ban - The Staff Team may remove any member from the servers and community at any time if they are considered disruptive to the community or we have a valid reason to believe they are here to cause issues. - Permanent Ban
Why do you think you were banned: I personally requested an asset provided by myself (who founded the Hustlers) and requested said asset to be removed upon my leave.
Why should we unban you: Good Afternoon,

Sorry there’s no ban ID on fiveM

Initially at the time, I had alot of personal things going on that was far to important to be brought into the life of RP, as seen I've been in the community for around 10 years and was given a full detailed description upon receiving my asset, I would be given a C1.6 in line with community rules, at the time TBJ was being more then understanding and wanted myself to understand a hasty decision is a potential waste to what I brought to the Server, reflecting back on my action it was totally the opposite of what TBJ would have wished for, I proceeded in a mindset of "This is mine, I'll take what is mine" to cause inconvenience to individuals that took over the gang, a fair few have still got a bee in their bonnet and this is why I requested them back, as a retaliation, of course, at the time, I knew it wasn't the right decision but still went ahead to be a "nuisance" - I won't go to much into it as there's still a clear divide with these individuals making other discords & tbj has/been made aware of what was going on

Reflecting upon my actions, they wasn't childish infact, they where Impulsive (more then happy to divulge further privately if requested), something in which, I do deal with on a day to day basis and upon seeing my record, I've never had a Ban prior and have taken time to reflect personally on some decisions I make, When it comes to RP i Brought multiple great scenarios to the server and managed to get Hustlers to be a turf gang after the hard efforts of myself and a select few others over a 6-12 month period, initially known as the #1 Gang to provide the volume of steel to feed the losts addiction, they wanted it, we get it in the minimal time frame, I hand countless of interactions around the City w/Many and provided great quality RP scenarios, win or loose, I don't have the mentality to win or loose just have a great time and provide others with the same enjoyment i experienced.

Now what put me on the backfoot and wanted to distance myself is detailed within TBJs messages & Ram is more aware of individuals that, I didn't at the time want to be involved with, I had far too much going on and personally didn't expect to be in a position to be able to have time for Hobbies.

Ultimately I retro-respectively appreciate the oppertunity I was given and as a community Leader held everyone accountable to high standards (G1.7) and upon the time, to date that can be seen upon no player reports upon a Hustler throughout my lead.

I would just like to add, at any point, I was unaware of the progress being made with finally getting gang clothing etc, we'd been awaiting for a good 6 months to get any form of assets due to Stealthee's departure, I would like to apologise to the Dev team who may have implemented this (I personally hadn't provided this to any of them other then Stealthee) so potentially some mixed wires which ultimately would of been caused by myself and Stealthee's departure.

I appreciate everything upon myself leaving what the development team have done for the gang and the sheer amount of work that's implemented into the server, It's gone leap and bounds as to what I expected within such a short period of time.

Ultimately you have roadblocks in life, It's all about how you overcome them to become a better person & educate yourself on how you can approach things going forwards which to re-iliterate, I've come leap and bounds.

I'd love to make a return with that in mind and continue to provide the High Standards, not only for myself for the others I had set at the time after countless hours of enjoyment.

Appreciate anyone that reads this appeal and can see that I'm more then sincere regarding the actions taken at the time, I was more then pleasent and co-operative with Bowen and anyone involved there was no "bad blood" or exit stratergies as I'm sure can be confirmed 🙂
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Reading over this appeal is something else, It's almost like I've read this appeal before. You seem to be serious about wanting to return however made little to no effort in this appeal that got you nowhere around 18 months ago. Why are you using the same exact appeal that you did back then that in all honesty got you nowhere.

This is your chance to convince us to give you a shot and carry on with this appeal. The floor will be yours.

Tell me what has changed during the time you have been away? Explain why you are trying to come back?
Good afternoon Stuart,

Following my previous appeal, I respectfully understood the position of the staff team at the current stage, it was too early after all the dedication and hard work.

Regarding what has changed during the time away? Well, I’ve not actually been involved in any other RP Servers/Communities, personally my mum had just passed and I was going through an extremely tough time dealing with my ADHD and impulsiveness decisions, it’s been a couple of years and as previously stated, I’m doing well, looking back years ago, any decision I would make had no thought process to it and how the potential impacts / inconvenience it may of caused the development team & life in general, I’ve never been one to break rules and always strongly believed I provided great meaningful RP scenarios, if anyone is still around from said times I would hope they would agree.

I would love the opportunity to come back and have fun, be involved in the community and continue where I left off and experience all the changes / how RP has evolved.

This kinda ties into the reason I would like to come back, I’ve not really been gaming for many many years now and would love to spend the countless hours as I did roleplaying.

Now, I don’t know anyone actively on the server so I really do believe it’ll be a great for my character to take a new venture and see how it’ll all play out, even when I ran the Hustlers and started them, I was never into all of this “war” run and gun, I always would stick to the roots of what a OCG was and really do hope back then, the staff team saw that I was here to RP, not to flex bank accounts or have any form of inflated ego.

The reason, I included the previous appeal as solely because I did put a lot of effort into it, I feel like it was potentially too soon, and I did provide a lot of insight at the time as to why I come to said conclusion, it was a stressful time for me and I can openly hold my hands up and take me full accountability.

From my point of view the underlying confusion surrounding the assets where, I never provided the current dev team at the time any of this as at the time stealthee was still a developer and we was still awaiting locked doors/gun bench so on 6 months down the line. I’m not too sure who provided the assets, again that really doesn’t matter, it was still my decision that caused the inconvenience in the end & I solely apologise for that.

I hope you can see, I’m just here to RP I’ve been here 10 years and would just like to hop back into lt all.

personally my mum had just passed and I was going through an extremely tough time dealing with my ADHD and impulsiveness decisions
First off sorry to hear that, I truly am. I do hope however things are somewhat getting better.

Whilst I understand you want to come back it's not really what I'm looking for in the appeal. I want to know why you decided to do this, Waste Staff and Dev time because you threw your toys out of the pram.

Explain to the best you can what happened leading up to this point and before we issued the ban please.
First off sorry to hear that, I truly am. I do hope however things are somewhat getting better.

Whilst I understand you want to come back it's not really what I'm looking for in the appeal. I want to know why you decided to do this, Waste Staff and Dev time because you threw your toys out of the pram.

Explain to the best you can what happened leading up to this point and before we issued the ban please.
Good afternoon Stuart,

I appreciate the kind words, as you could imagine I wasn’t 100% in the right frame of mind at the time

Retrospectively, I didn’t actually provide the assets in the first place, but again that’s not really the point, the reason I made the decision was based of an impulsive decision to attempt to one up the individuals that took over the gang at the time, some that are now banned, it become so sour and toxic there was edited images of myself getting posted all over our gang documents, I was getting harassed daily on discord, comments left right and centre, I felt like it was the only thing in my control at the time to get back at them. Looking back it’s childish and I had flagged my concerns to Charles & Ram at the time was aware.

Following my decision I did have a convo with TBJ and he asked me to think about it as I’ve provided great RP and had never had any issues.

I still proceeded and had a chat with Bowen as I never saw myself returning to gaming at the state of mind I was at.

It was never my intention to inconvenience the development team and I am truely remorseful, think it was Archie at the time and I’m sure he will confirm that I never provided him or the dev team any assets at that time.
I appreciate the kind words, as you could imagine I wasn’t 100% in the right frame of mind at the time
I do understand not being in the right frame of mind however there are limits to where it's past that point and that I believe you know.

I didn’t actually provide the assets in the first place,
Indeed, It was only part of it you did own but agreed it's not the full point it's more you did waste a lot of time of the staff and dev team respectively.

it become so sour and toxic there was edited images of myself getting posted all over our gang documents, I was getting harassed daily on discord, comments left right and centre, I felt like it was the only thing in my control at the time to get back at them. Looking back it’s childish and I had flagged my concerns to Charles & Ram at the time was aware.
I assume by this you mean they we're aware of what was happening on discord ect or the frame of mind?

Following my decision I did have a convo with TBJ and he asked me to think about it as I’ve provided great RP and had never had any issues.

I still proceeded and had a chat with Bowen as I never saw myself returning to gaming at the state of mind I was at.

It was never my intention to inconvenience the development team and I am truely remorseful, think it was Archie at the time and I’m sure he will confirm that I never provided him or the dev team any assets at that time.
Indeed, It's more the throwing the toys out of the pram and causing the teams issues that was more the issue.

Now why start the appeal with what you had prior and not from the heart?

If we did allow you back explain to me what your intentions are? (Not looking for the answer to be roleplay), More along the lines of what do you want to get into?

I will pop this below, I am working late tomorrow so I will review the appeal Tuesday.
I do understand not being in the right frame of mind however there are limits to where it's past that point and that I believe you know.

Indeed, It was only part of it you did own but agreed it's not the full point it's more you did waste a lot of time of the staff and dev team respectively.

I assume by this you mean they we're aware of what was happening on discord ect or the frame of mind?

Indeed, It's more the throwing the toys out of the pram and causing the teams issues that was more the issue.

Now why start the appeal with what you had prior and not from the heart?

If we did allow you back explain to me what your intentions are? (Not looking for the answer to be roleplay), More along the lines of what do you want to get into?

I will pop this below, I am working late tomorrow so I will review the appeal Tuesday.
Good morning Stuart, hope your day at work goes well.

I totally agree with all points you have detailed, 100% there is limits and given the advice at the time I do regret proceeding on the basis I know how much effort the development team have been putting in the community for a decade and that was on my behalf naive, selfish and totally out of line & also the time of yourself and others having to deal with an appeal, in which I’m upmost apologetic.

Referring to discord, Charles/Ram where aware of what said individuals where doing, ram and TBJ at the time where aware of my personal circumstances, we’ve always had a close relationship in that sense. Again, looking back at it I did not / in no way shape or form need to stoop to a level to feel in control / one up individuals that are not important either way and can hold my hands up it was morally wrong.

At the time I didn’t really see it as myself throwing the toys out of the pram scenario, it was such a confusing time for myself, I had worked so hard on the background / Image of the gang and just solely believed after Stealthee went it was kinda just all forgotten about (as explained I was awaiting for a fair bit to be done for the gang at the time)

Nonetheless Archie and the development team where provided said assets whilst I was away dealing with my personal life and still didn’t deserve my selfish actions. Just because I solely believed at that time of my life I’d never return to gaming anyway, and again to anyone involved, the development team, I am truly sorry for this.

In regards to the appeal, I believed I had provided the most broken down / detailed explanation I could without bringing what could be seen as “an excuse, impulsive actions or a lapse in judgement” As the select few staff members that do know of me know I’m not like that.

Honestly I didn’t want it to come across that way as to whom dealt with this report here, no other intentions behind it.

Out of roleplay context as to my plans / intentions, it’s really difficult, prior to everything going on, I strongly believed i was at a point / ready to proceed with a staff team application and was advised to go for it, I just want to enjoy my time with some old faces, take some time and enjoy being part of a community again.

Hope I haven’t misunderstand the question and apologies if I have Stuart.

In RP, I wish I could answer the question, I’m assuming sooo much is changed so, it would be feet on the ground take every day as it comes.
Referring to discord, Charles/Ram where aware of what said individuals where doing, ram and TBJ at the time where aware of my personal circumstances, we’ve always had a close relationship in that sense. Again, looking back at it I did not / in no way shape or form need to stoop to a level to feel in control / one up individuals that are not important either way and can hold my hands up it was morally wrong.
Gotchu, Why not approach Leads/Management about it so we we're in the loop?

At the time I didn’t really see it as myself throwing the toys out of the pram scenario, it was such a confusing time for myself, I had worked so hard on the background / Image of the gang and just solely believed after Stealthee went it was kinda just all forgotten about (as explained I was awaiting for a fair bit to be done for the gang at the time)
Indeed whilst it may not have been taken that way at the time, It was what happened in looking back over the ban and from my understanding of why it was placed.

Out of roleplay context as to my plans / intentions, it’s really difficult, prior to everything going on, I strongly believed i was at a point / ready to proceed with a staff team application and was advised to go for it, I just want to enjoy my time with some old faces, take some time and enjoy being part of a community again.
Do you still have friends within the community ? If so who?

In RP, I wish I could answer the question, I’m assuming sooo much is changed so, it would be feet on the ground take every day as it comes.
I understand it can be a difficult question to answer however this is one we would need a somewhat answer to. What would your main goals be? Going around as a Civ, Police, NHS, Fire, Solicitor, Back with old friends?

Main reason I'm asking is a 1.6 is very difficult or near impossible to come back from so we do ask many things for many reasons. Whilst it may not seem important from the outset it would be in the bigger picture.

Finally going back to the image in question, Am I right in saying it was simply the text you did and the image wasn't owned by you directly?
Gotchu, Why not approach Leads/Management about it so we we're in the loop?

Indeed whilst it may not have been taken that way at the time, It was what happened in looking back over the ban and from my understanding of why it was placed.

Do you still have friends within the community ? If so who?

I understand it can be a difficult question to answer however this is one we would need a somewhat answer to. What would your main goals be? Going around as a Civ, Police, NHS, Fire, Solicitor, Back with old friends?

Main reason I'm asking is a 1.6 is very difficult or near impossible to come back from so we do ask many things for many reasons. Whilst it may not seem important from the outset it would be in the bigger picture.

Finally going back to the image in question, Am I right in saying it was simply the text you did and the image wasn't owned by you directly?
I’ll be as transparent as I can, regarding approaching leads / Management, it was just a case of the unknown, do I approach “Stuart” who’s never heard from me before and just dump this on yourself whilst you have 100s of others things going on, I didn’t really want to burden others, Ram was and still is a good friend and TBJ.

I don’t have any friends within the community that I’d be aware of, the only close nit group was when I was running the gang, but as soon as I left they all turned sour towards me, not something If I do return I’d like to be surrounding by.

Regarding my plans / goals - I would totally be open to police/fire, the whole gang era has completely changed and isn’t / could never be what it used to be for me, I’d love to be within CID and from my characters past operations / potential contacts within RP this could be of an interesting story line.

I’d endeavour to provide the best RP scenarios possible as always

Going back to the asset in general, it was the text, again in hindsight it was a childish decision and my sincere apologies again
I’ll be as transparent as I can, regarding approaching leads / Management, it was just a case of the unknown, do I approach “Stuart” who’s never heard from me before and just dump this on yourself whilst you have 100s of others things going on, I didn’t really want to burden others, Ram was and still is a good friend and TBJ.
That's understandable however all leads are approachable even without having that sort of relationship in essence and are always willing to listen and help where needed.

Lets say we give you another chance, How can we be assured you won't simply cave under pressure should things get to boiling point again?
That's understandable however all leads are approachable even without having that sort of relationship in essence and are always willing to listen and help where needed.

Let’s say we give you another chance, How can we be assured you won't simply cave under pressure should things get to boiling point again?
Morning, going forwards I understand under certain circumstances, to approach leads / management. Although rest assured we will not be in this position again.

Well.. since the time of the ban, I’m a less impulsive individual and have spent many years controlling, think before doing, I endeavour to uphold myself to the standards before I let myself go, should I have any dispute that is past the forums, I will happily reach out via a discord ticket / ts.

I do solely regret my decision again and apologies again to the development team that feel I have wasted their time, it was never my intention.
Evening @KyleJames_UNBAN

Few more questions I have for yourself. Since you we're banned, What have you been upto?

Have you roleplayed elsewhere during this time? If so tell me about it. (Not looking for information on what server) but experiences.

As you can imagine with 1.6 bans, They are very difficult to come back from and almost all of the time we don't unban players from these.

You've mentioned a few things you'd like to apply for, I'd like to get into more of it. What kind of storylines are you thinking of?

the whole gang era has completely changed and isn’t / could never be what it used to be for me,
Explain this to me a bit more please.

I’d love to be within CID and from my characters past operations / potential contacts within RP this could be of an interesting story line.
Why CID? Can you clarify the past operations and contacts you are even referencing ?
Evening @KyleJames_UNBAN

Few more questions I have for yourself. Since you we're banned, What have you been upto?

Have you roleplayed elsewhere during this time? If so tell me about it. (Not looking for information on what server) but experiences.

As you can imagine with 1.6 bans, They are very difficult to come back from and almost all of the time we don't unban players from these.

You've mentioned a few things you'd like to apply for, I'd like to get into more of it. What kind of storylines are you thinking of?

Explain this to me a bit more please.

Why CID? Can you clarify the past operations and contacts you are even referencing ?
Evening Stuart, hope all is well.

In regards to what have I been Upto? - I’ve just been playing escape from tarkov on and off, I’ve not actually touched GTA since my 1.6 so a couple of years I believe.

Totally respect 1.6 bans are very difficult to come back from and regardless of the decision would always have the upmost respect for even the chance to be able to give it a go.

Regarding storylines, permitted a crim character within RP can somehow “clean” his record or somehow slip through the net, and join the police force, at the time within RP the Hustlers had a lot of feuds with other gangs within the city, providing valuable information could be key and bring a lot of unique different scenarios to bring some rival OCGs down. Although the lost may not be happy if they heard I join the police force 🤔😉

Within CID my gang had a couple of police officers under the belt, Simon if he’s still around proved to be valuable to ourselves and was always well paid for any help he could provide, Shepard although I’m sure I think he’s also no longer around.

Regarding the gang era, I solely believe based upon my actions I believe it would be insulting if I attempted to run any gang within the city again, I had the trust and tarnished that off my own actions. Yes I brought interesting and unique story lines and strongly believed I provided the best RP possible, I just think again it’s time for a fresh start.

Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
Evening Kyle,

It is indeed! Hope you are doing well also.

In regards to what have I been Upto? - I’ve just been playing escape from tarkov on and off, I’ve not actually touched GTA since my 1.6 so a couple of years I believe.
So explain more how if I gave you a chance it wouldn't simply be me putting money down on the same thing happening? I.e how things got sour prior to asking for things to be removed?

Totally respect 1.6 bans are very difficult to come back from and regardless of the decision would always have the upmost respect for even the chance to be able to give it a go.
That is good to know that either way you would respect the decision.

Regarding storylines, permitted a crim character within RP can somehow “clean” his record or somehow slip through the net, and join the police force, at the time within RP the Hustlers had a lot of feuds with other gangs within the city, providing valuable information could be key and bring a lot of unique different scenarios to bring some rival OCGs down. Although the lost may not be happy if they heard I join the police force 🤔😉
So I assume should I gave you a chance you'd be looking to play Kyle again? Or would it be more a new character?

Within CID my gang had a couple of police officers under the belt, Simon if he’s still around proved to be valuable to ourselves and was always well paid for any help he could provide, Shepard although I’m sure I think he’s also no longer around.
I know one of the two are still about however we do have rules around corruption now (Unsure if you've checked our rules recently).

Regarding the gang era, I solely believe based upon my actions I believe it would be insulting if I attempted to run any gang within the city again, I had the trust and tarnished that off my own actions. Yes I brought interesting and unique story lines and strongly believed I provided the best RP possible, I just think again it’s time for a fresh start.
Within this statement there is some I do agree with that the trust you did have was thrown away by your actions in 2021. Kind of why I'm dealing with this appeal and going from there.

Now I remember your name in a sense from back in 2021 however unsure about some of the RP you did provide. Mind going through some roleplay you did have and the type of roleplay you we're going for back then?

Also would the roleplay be along the same as then or?
Evening Kyle,

It is indeed! Hope you are doing well also.

So explain more how if I gave you a chance it wouldn't simply be me putting money down on the same thing happening? I.e how things got sour prior to asking for things to be removed?

That is good to know that either way you would respect the decision.

So I assume should I gave you a chance you'd be looking to play Kyle again? Or would it be more a new character?

I know one of the two are still about however we do have rules around corruption now (Unsure if you've checked our rules recently).

Within this statement there is some I do agree with that the trust you did have was thrown away by your actions in 2021. Kind of why I'm dealing with this appeal and going from there.

Now I remember your name in a sense from back in 2021 however unsure about some of the RP you did provide. Mind going through some roleplay you did have and the type of roleplay you we're going for back then?

Also would the roleplay be along the same as then or?
Afternoon Stuart,

Regards, yourself putting money down on it not happening again, similarly I won’t be putting myself in the same situation going forwards and have always been an advocate for learning from your past mistakes and building bridges and moving forwards, ofcourse I can only re-assure you of this but actions speak louder then words.

If given a chance, I would whole heartedly be playing my “Kyle” character if permitted.

To be honest no I wasn’t aware a new ruling had been brought in regarding corruption but will happily refresh myself on the police ruling, apologies.

Regarding the RP scenarios, I always kept the gang within the lore I had built, starting with tequi-la-la, using the business as a front to clean money laundered cash, and a couple of other shops I owned at the time, weather it he kidnappings, arranging meetings for firearms deals, it was always dealt with in a realistic way with multiple scenarios taken into account.

I always was a strong believer of RP over the grind set and cannot re-call a single negative interaction I may of had. Over the years I ran the gang I believe we had only one gang war that was temporary, we kept ourselves to ourselves as an OCG would but keeping our wits about us at the same time.

Going years back, negotiations in RP to the city council (Norman) proposing in RP for the ownership of tequila-la-la as a legitimate business but out of RP ofcourse it was an OCG.

Regarding the RP, it’s difficult, I solely believe I will never be in the position to run a gang due to my actions and whole heartedly respect that.

I would see how it all goes, that’s the beauty of RP

Thanks again
If given a chance, I would whole heartedly be playing my “Kyle” character if permitted.
What if this wasn't an option? What then?

Going years back, negotiations in RP to the city council (Norman) proposing in RP for the ownership of tequila-la-la as a legitimate business but out of RP ofcourse it was an OCG.
Explain this a bit more for me. As mentioned above I haven't got much of an idea of the roleplay you did provide ect, So interested to hear what it was overall over snip-bits.
What if this wasn't an option? What then?

Explain this a bit more for me. As mentioned above I haven't got much of an idea of the roleplay you did provide ect, So interested to hear what it was overall over snip-bits.
Good morning Stuart,

If it wasn’t an option, I’m open to just getting back to RP, yes I built my character for years… but it was never about the money, never about the “clout” so I’ll accept it either way.

Slight snip bits, would be. 1) building a name for myself in the city, 2) setting up hustlers and proposing in RP to have ownership of Tequi-la-la
3) countless high quality rp scenarios with the lost & negations as I’m sure if Mason etc was around they can confirm 4) becoming the most self sufficient steel providers for the lost and other businesses at the time 5) sticking to what a OCG is and was, all illegal activities carried out in a well thought manner and backup plans based upon what of the police catch us.

Sorry stu, id of been able to provide more examples but I cannot see the original forum post when I setup the hustlers to give you more of a backstory.

Thanks for your time again
but it was never about the money, never about the “clout” so I’ll accept it either way.
Explain to me what the character was about.

I don't believe I ever come across "Kyle" as a character so would like to know overall.

1) building a name for myself in the city
How was this achieved?

setting up hustlers and proposing in RP to have ownership of Tequi-la-la
Explain this more to me. How did this come about, How did it end with the hustlers having Tequi-la-la

countless high quality rp scenarios with the lost & negations as I’m sure if Mason etc was around they can confirm
Feel free to explain one or multiple of them for me.
Good morning Stuart,

So Kyle, he joined the city 4-5 years ago, he initially started as a sole miner, providing materials to multiple businesses around the city, then fell into the wrong crowd, was poached by the Ballas for a price that couldn’t be rejected, we was supplying them with steel for a fair while, until a box truck of materials where stolen, no way to defend myself I had to let go of a days solid work.

This started the downfall for Kyle, he moved onto talking with Jacob and Jambo about becoming a gang member, doing little jobs here and there for Darnell.

Moving on a couple of months, Kyle had fallen out with specific gang members within the Ballas and decided to walk due to the nature of chain.

Kyle believed he had what it took to run an OCG and be more organised, that’s how the Hustlers started, we within months become the richest gang in the city and not many knew this.

The lost, I provided countless business meetings with them, always well thought through scenarios.

Initially when I started the Hustlers I owned a shop in which I used as leverage for business with the Lost & everything went extremely well.

I then looked for a further location for the front of our activities and this was tequila-la-la

We had a fair bit of cash flow and great connections within the city, I approached the city council and had a formal business meeting in which was then accepted and I become the sole owner of the bar.

Over the months, planning permission took place and we funnled millions through the business.

We then mass provided the Lost with any steel they desired, they come up with a figure, we’d make it happen the same day, this then proceeded to ourselves becoming extremely trusted by themselves and being able to purchase certain equipment.

We at the time was the Losts #1 supplier and purchaser. Countless meetings with well and thoughtful scenarios, every interaction included high quality RP. Until, a gang member had been attempting to sell their products on the side, I was approached by the lost and allowed them the honour to deal with said individual and arranged for this to be setup.

This is the best from recollection, hopefully it gave you somewhat an insight, thanks Stuart

So looking through this, If I give you a chance to return and start over on a new character for a bit is this something you'd be open to doing over jumping back on Kyle for the time being?

Main reason I'm asking is I don't want you jumping right back into the gang things and it has been 3 years since you we're about last and a lot has changed.

If this is a route you'd go what sort of things would a new character look into doing?