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Add a proximity check to sanitation trucks

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Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Brief Summary:

Add a proximity check to sanitation trucks

Detailed Suggestion:

Right now, sanitation already includes a proximity check, whoever is picking up the bin bag is checked to make sure they are close enough to the truck, I guess it's to stop groups splitting up and doing separate pick ups. However, right now pretty much constantly there is people/groups that are sort of exploiting the system by getting others to join their group, starting a 4-man job then however many of those people go off and do their own thing, resulting in one person doing a four person job and collecting a much larger pay check that was is intended.

What I am suggesting is a change to the proximity check, change it so that when a bin bag is collected it checks the proximity of all players in that crew and ensures they are all close to the vehicle, instead of just one person.

It was introduced because people wanted group jobs, now people want to exploit the group job and do it solo... makes no sense in my opinion. Right now, I see people pretty much daily even offering up "selling my paypal" which is just silly in my opinion.

The Pros:
- Balances the pay checks a little, not in line with other jobs, but at least to what it should be for that job
- Stops people mis-using the group system for the job
- Ensures what is meant to be a group activity, is played as a group activity

The Cons:
- Dev time? Not sure how long this would take to change honestly

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?

Yes, ensures the job is played and balanced the way it was intended
Could even just disable the job if they're not in the vehicle similar to taxi.
It’s not really exploiting the system though, they’re just picking up extra workload and getting a higher reward for it. However they need people in their crew to do this. If they weren’t having to do double/triple the work and getting double the money for it i’d understand but that’s not the case
It’s not really exploiting the system though, they’re just picking up extra workload and getting a higher reward for it. However they need people in their crew to do this. If they weren’t having to do double/triple the work and getting double the money for it i’d understand but that’s not the case
Id be quicker doing one solo run 4 man job than 4 runs with a 4 man but, which is both the same "workload" so that removed the balance, there exploiting out of 4 trips round the city.
It’s not really exploiting the system though, they’re just picking up extra workload and getting a higher reward for it. However they need people in their crew to do this. If they weren’t having to do double/triple the work and getting double the money for it i’d understand but that’s not the case
Having more people in your group lets you do the runs quicker because more stops and more money. From what I’ve gathered, the more people in your crew there is a higher multiplier applied, so surely that means you should be playing with the amount of people in your team? Take a 4 person job, you get more pick ups and a higher multiplier. I think that’s why when the job first appeared, 4 people crews were making a shit load more money than 2 or 3 crews. So doing it solo with 4 up crew is giving you more benefit than what it’s designed for smaller crews to get.
there is people/groups that are sort of exploiting the system by getting others to join their group, starting a 4-man job then however many of those people go off and do their own thing, resulting in one person doing a four person job and collecting a much larger pay check that was is intended
We've already stated this is fine since with less people actively taking part it will take longer to complete therefore balances itself out. Of course we do recommend not doing it solo and everyone taking part since the entire point of not allowing solo was to encourage teamwork.
We've already stated this is fine since with less people actively taking part it will take longer to complete therefore balances itself out. Of course we do recommend not doing it solo and everyone taking part since the entire point of not allowing solo was to encourage teamwork.
Id be quicker doing one solo run 4 man job than 4 runs with a 4 man but, which is both the same "workload" so that removed the balance, there exploiting out of 4 trips round the city.
As above
Yeah, i think it is somewhat exploiting. Yeah, they have to do the extra work but then that goes against the whole reason for the multiplier. Team work. Everyone is just doing it for the money and not the RP behind the whole idea. Bin jobs have killed every other legal and most illegal jobs. Everyone is doing bins. No coke. No taxis. no food jobs or mechanics. Only people who dont know do the smaller less paying jobs. Gang members in full colors are doing bins. Makes 0 sense in RP. They are not legal people. And it is over all going and is ruining the server economy as people are making millions easily now. I think it does need to be balanced and only rewarded when you do team work within RP. Makes it more fun too cause you chat and have a laugh who ever you're with, And if you cant get a team together to do a job that in reality needs a team then you go do one man jobs ie taxis and food jobs etc.
I'm not understanding the thought process behind allowing people to do the job solo, the whole point was it was a group job to add more rp and improve on the variety of jobs people can do. some people are going to Min Max everything to earn money over rp but i feel like allowing people to do it solo just enables them to do that more and kinda defeats the point of the job being added, There are so many solo jobs on the server that have very little rp interaction and are mainly just going to waypoints I feel it wouldnt be weird to atleast have this job locked to need more than one person as that was the whole point of it. Like Nikki said, people are earning way more money now, people only prioritize doing bin jobs, a lot of the other jobs are now even more dead, It just seems kinda counter-productive. Even if something was just added to stop solo players that says "Your job has been cancelled, its not safe to operate this vehicle with only one crew member" to make people have to at least group up a little, we would see more jobs being utilised.
Min Max everything to earn money over rp but i feel like allowing people to do it solo just enables them to do that more and kinda defeats the point of the job being added
Min max... you'll never convince me things like this is anything other than that. If you are able to do them solo (or allowed to), why is there a minimum 2 people needed to start the job?

think your missing my point it’s more op to do solo and it’s meant to be a group job. Workload similar time massive difference. If I were to sign on and do a 4 man job solo and my pals done a 4 man job in a 4, I’d make more money than the 4 man in the same amount of time which completely defeats the purpose.
I ask for a change from 2-4 people to 1-4 so you can create a solo run. Also buff the searching for smaller crews. I want to find stull instead of a red box popping up stating only useless junk.
The biggest problem is the inflation. Any Tom Dick and Harry can get supercars in a couple hours doing bin jobs. You can make 500-600k per hour if you do it wisely. Way too much.
car dealerships sell cars from 20k to 20 million, I remember helping new people out buying a 40/60k car cause they just ran short, now people in complete baldie outfits come to us buying 200/800k vehicles without knowing how to park a car or how to check their bank account...

solutions i've seen/heard:

1. add the taxi timer, don't stay away from the truck for more then 3 min. but let's make it 5/8 as some bins are more difficult to reach.
2. add solo bin runs that pay similar to ron fuel.
3. Cut the pay.
4. We make every vehicle/house/shop/item in the city double the price to weigh out people earning 400/500k in an hour.

I've seen staff/dev's say it balances out the pay for the work, but how does the economie enjoy people earning 500k an hour, we've heard people doing this for 10 hours and brag about it IC, that's 5 million they earned in one day. how long did we have to taxi for that? mechanic? run food jobs? In a car dealership most need to work an entire month to earn that and most don't even reach anywhere near it.

I love the bin job with friends, it's a blast to do, please don't let a few speedrunner ruin it for the rest.
it’s more op to do solo
There's no difference (in regards to it being OP) in doing it solo compared to doing it together then the crew leader stealing the money and running away?
Workload similar time massive difference. If I were to sign on and do a 4 man job solo and my pals done a 4 man job in a 4, I’d make more money than the 4 man in the same amount of time which completely defeats the purpose.
It wouldn't take the same time since for solo you wouldn't be able to collect multiple bags at the same time which of course slows you down.
There's no difference (in regards to it being OP) in doing it solo compared to doing it together then the crew leader stealing the money and running away?

It wouldn't take the same time since for solo you wouldn't be able to collect multiple bags at the same time which of course slows you down.
1. you quote a situation that only sometimes happends and is higly dependable with the group you are with. this scenario also has nothing to do with the topic at hand as scamming people is part of this game and our issue is people abbusing a system making it unrealistic/economically breaking.

2. it slows you down indeed, but not with more then 20 minutes, which still means they earn 400/500k per hour, they drive, grab 3 bags and continue driving.
There's no difference (in regards to it being OP) in doing it solo compared to doing it together then the crew leader stealing the money and running away?

It wouldn't take the same time since for solo you wouldn't be able to collect multiple bags at the same time which of course slows you down.
1) Involves the risk of conflict or being taken to court over it.

2) It is more efficient to do do a solo run collecting multiple bags from the same drop than a single bag from separate jobs, it cuts out an entire journey for every extra bag you collect.
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