Character Name: Davie McSharry
Character ID: 77020
Steam ID: 76561199006943325
Game: GTA RP
Date: Jul 4, 2024
Please Provide Full Details: I was betting at the casino when I had a glitch when I sat down, after one deal it said I could place a bet which I did (£100,000) and when I tried to...
We really need this in the city, if certain drugs give you abilities in the server then people would use them > police would stop more people for driving under influence etc
After some conversation with people in the police, civilian and criminal world I think having councillors or MPs for different constituency's across the city would add more roleplay to different aspects to city, here just a few things that could be debated;
- MPs or Councillors could create...
+1 defo wanna see some changes like this to try add more rp to fights like drive bys, foot attacks in smaller groups and possibly less AR's to keep stuff realistic to the UK
In Conclusion from the paragraph above, major injuries result in shock and shock can make people do crazy things. I was wedged between to vehicles shielding me from the blast therefor my roleplay assessment was to RP I wasn't injured majorly, I very much valued my life in this scenario.