Good evening Andrew, I hope you've had a splendid weekend? I have to say I am quite shocked to find myself here for the second time since 2017 as I'm not one for getting reported! I would've appreciated the opportunity to liaise this matter with you through discord, but you didn't provide that...
Brief Summary:
Enable a command to change how loud thunderstorms are - OR - Lower the sound of thunderstorms if a command isn't possible
Detailed Suggestion:
I am sure I speak for a lot of people when I say thunderstorms are currently really loud and almost disruptive to RP. It seems they are...
Why should people need to expect subpar RP from what is meant to be a professional faction though? Not having a personal dig at you or the officers involved in this situation, just seems odd imo 🤷♂️
Unless I've misunderstood -1
IMO for the effort you put into a 4 man 40 bin job the pay is fair. I think drugs could almost definitely use a bit of a buff. That way all the "badman" crims may end up selling drugs instead of rolling round the city in bin lorries.
Bins pay fine, buff...