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Recent content by Welsh

  1. Welsh


    Makes sense considering its the only Cargo Plane LS Air sell. +1
  2. Welsh

    Police Staff

    as Keith, the MRPS Receptionist I fully endorse this suggestion @CSI Greenhalgh x
  3. Welsh

    Report a player - 586 - GTA RP

    Good evening Andrew, I hope you've had a splendid weekend? I have to say I am quite shocked to find myself here for the second time since 2017 as I'm not one for getting reported! I would've appreciated the opportunity to liaise this matter with you through discord, but you didn't provide that...
  4. Welsh

    PS Jolly, PS McGowan, PS Marshside, PS Will White, Mary Fredrickson and some more police i cant remember

    Was there as the "anonymous" camera man - this is genuinely the first time I've actually enjoyed Police RP for months to be honest.. Was a fun night!
  5. Welsh

    Onto better things.

    aint no way, sad to hear you're going but good luck with your new job Jimothy 🫡
  6. Welsh

    Baz over and out.

    😭 one of my favourite fellow welsh roleplayers 🫡 take care Baz. Another quality roleplayer gone too soon :(
  7. Welsh

    Thanks for your support @SteveStacy @JackJohnson 👍

    Thanks for your support @SteveStacy @JackJohnson 👍
  8. Welsh


  9. Welsh


    BRING BACK DRIFTER BARS: https://www.change.org/p/nestl%C3%A9-nestle-need-to-bring-back-drifter-bars
  10. Welsh

    Thunder Volume Command

  11. Welsh

    Thunder Volume Command

    Brief Summary: Enable a command to change how loud thunderstorms are - OR - Lower the sound of thunderstorms if a command isn't possible Detailed Suggestion: I am sure I speak for a lot of people when I say thunderstorms are currently really loud and almost disruptive to RP. It seems they are...
  12. Welsh

    Current state of fixing Aircrafts

    this is the best solution for this +1 add a kit specifically for planes/helis
  13. Welsh

    Drug Rounds

    So much potential for this big +1 for my favourite bin crew man
  14. Welsh

    Police Changes

    Why should people need to expect subpar RP from what is meant to be a professional faction though? Not having a personal dig at you or the officers involved in this situation, just seems odd imo 🤷‍♂️
  15. Welsh

    Reduce payouts on Sanitation jobs (Bins)

    Unless I've misunderstood -1 IMO for the effort you put into a 4 man 40 bin job the pay is fair. I think drugs could almost definitely use a bit of a buff. That way all the "badman" crims may end up selling drugs instead of rolling round the city in bin lorries. Bins pay fine, buff...