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Recent content by tyler hatton

  1. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    i will be looking to become nhs in gta roleplay so i can show great levels of roleplay skills to the people in city and to help show that i do have what it takes to be in the city and that i can redeem my self from the bam i am currently facing, i will be looking to play a character called timmy...
  2. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    i am currently in another city as NHS and a photographer so i belive i can bring these two great roles to the city and make the server great with some really good roleplay
  3. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    nope thats what i dont understand i called someone a nonce and thats all i remember yes i remember kicking a fuss in discord but ive been away long enough to come back within a clean sheet and start fresh with the server hence the reasoning behind me appealing my ban as i would like to get back...
  4. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    yes i do remember that i was told i said somthing after the word nonce but i couldnt remember at the time and got ina big heated argument with staff when asking them to show me the proof of what i had said so i could own up to my actions they told me they couldnt tell me what i said or show me...
  5. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    i forgot you could even read back on past appeals then i remembered staff members being unprofessional with me banning me for so long and then i re read about me calling someone a nonce when i was outside of pill box 
  6. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for tyler hatton  In-game Name: Antony leach Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199020003687 Ban ID: RPUK13555 Reason given for your ban: C1.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned due to calling people, a nonce i did it out of frustration and...
  7. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for tyler hatton  In-game Name: antony leach Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199020003687 Ban ID: RPUK13555 Reason given for your ban: C1.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: i can not remember why i was banned ive just got a new pc and i remembered...
  8. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for tyler hatton  In-game Name: antony leach Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199020003687 Ban ID: RPUK13555 Reason given for your ban: C1.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: it says offensive languange and stuff but i didnt say anything offensive i...
  9. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    I agree with this term I understand that its only fair for me to not keep my items and serve the consequences. Im sorry for breaking the rule and this will not happen again thank you for being so understanding 
  10. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    I have typed in the OOC chat before and people say its for rp purposes only so that i couldnt ask for help me being new i dont know if they was being serious. The rule quotes as following “Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a...
  11. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    I have typed in the OOC chat before and have people say its noy used for contacting people and to use discord so i never knew i could use ooc to contact people, now i know that ooc chat can be used to contact the gods aka admins and staff i will use incase of thid incident happening again so...
  12. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    The rule quotes as following “Logging/Combat logging at any point where you are in RP is exploiting. Some examples of this: during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting medic, logging to save gear, logging while ziptied (Punishment is a permanent...
  13. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    im not sure how to contact staff and stuff and i was mid rp and didnt realise that the gang would then find me after me loosing them as i was parked up ready to leave but was leaving discord and stuff when they pulled up im new and will need to learn all ways of finding way to contact people...
  14. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    Im new to rp not sure on all the rules and ways to rp ooc im not sure how to use probably or the over head text chat im still new and learning. I love when rps do last just didnt know what to do when i needed to go 
  15. tyler hatton

    Unban Appeal - tyler hatton - GTA RP

    I will have to sit and roleplay out the situation maybe rush to say im bleeding out really fast so i can roleplay but also make it as fast possible so both the rp continues and i get revived so im not leaving during a down period. So the rp is continued  and the rp is not breaking along with the...