Greetings to whom this concerns...
NOTICE: Due to the lack of Viewers I have had these past two days I will be cancelling the Giveaway I had planned. However I will be still giving away the keys, instead of doing it all one one day. I will do it overtime. I have 19 Keys left. I have now learned my lesson and will "NOT" be doing this again until I have an actual following. See you all soon. hopefully you all can understand.
FYI: I will give them away overtime and when they run out I will "NOT" be buying anymore and most likely will not be doing a giveaway until I feel it is necessary, I most likely will not do it again but who knows, again it is more or less not going to happen again.
Hopefully you all understand. (If you followed me for that purpose and wish to unfollow feel free. I hopefully can regain your follow in time when my content improves all I can do is promise that ill improve).
Kind Regards