ReiSSs Jun 5, 2018 Just a friendly reminder if anyone sees a wild @DCC Coozer roaming around altis feel free to punch him in the face and bring him to me for a 5 million pound reward!
Just a friendly reminder if anyone sees a wild @DCC Coozer roaming around altis feel free to punch him in the face and bring him to me for a 5 million pound reward!
ReiSSs Jun 2, 2018 Fun fact For white chocolate to be actually called white chocolate it needs at least 20% coco butter to be added you're welcome
Fun fact For white chocolate to be actually called white chocolate it needs at least 20% coco butter to be added you're welcome
ReiSSs May 21, 2018 to the gangs that could not pull of a hm with 10 cops now have to try again with 15+ haha feels bad man
to the gangs that could not pull of a hm with 10 cops now have to try again with 15+ haha feels bad man