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  • Aaaaaa my character is so cute xD


    Hope people enjoyed the Met Gala !!! I'll try to plan more events in the future so we can all have fun and enjoy ourselves on the server ❤️

    Before you jump on the server, take a moment and think : Last time you came on, did you have fun ? Did you enjoy yourself ? No matter what roleplay decisions you make, at the end of the day, it is a game and you're supposed to have fun and enjoy playing it 🙂

    *If you're not having fun, maybe you need to switch some things up 😉

    I just want to say thank you to everyone who appreciates my character Samantha. I try to RP her to the best of my abilities , but I know the "voice" kinda puts people off and not see her as a "real girl". She is, at the end of the day, only an RP character, and I hope people continue to interact with her as her, not thinking about whoever is behind her. Please continue to love and hate her, and make exciting RP scenarios with her ! ❤️ 

    @Ravenz_GoYou've nailed the sededucing techniques! Love from Aaron Gunn 😉

    I do think Black + Pink suits Samantha really well. I'm gonna keep trying on lots of clothing combinations xD

    Legit dropped my phone when I visited the forums and thought I cracked the screen because of these spider webs. Dammit I couldve had a reason to buy a new phone xD

    Albert Winsford
    Albert Winsford
    i read this. I though hah what an idiot that would never fool me! I was sat at work today and decided to browse RPUK on my phone... had the same panic attack. 

    The RPUK community have great artists ngl. Look at what Jeep from Auto Exotics did for my character this is cool ! ❤️


    tbf, from what i've seen jeep has always been pretty decent at this kind of stuff

    Friendly reminder to all you lovely Roleplayers out there. Your character is not you and you are not your character. If something bad happens to your character, he or she is the one who will feel negative emotions, not you. If you feel like the roleplay is affecting you IRL, maybe take a break ❤️

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