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Recent content by Rastafari

  1. Rastafari

    Compensation Request - Rastafari - GTA RP

    The only thing i do remember right now is The number of the container #120 and the passwords i had so if that helps i can provide with that still looking for old records to find anything useful for you
  2. Rastafari

    Compensation Request - Rastafari - GTA RP

    Character Name: Koi Leen Character ID: 57557 Steam ID: 76561197993079379 Game: GTA RP Date: Jun 20, 2024 Please Provide Full Details: Well its kind of a long story - But shortly i had a storage container in the city i had a lot of cocaine stored there and except that i had much more stored...
  3. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    I meant that i had around 10k cocaine in my stash that would make me money easily and that transferring the the 50k from the other character was a stupid idea without a base to it. I'll enhance my RP and keep it on the level it was used to be all that time I was popular at some point at the...
  4. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    Man I'm really ashamed! Vladic Ka would probably slap me for that I genuinely don't know what went thru my head at that time It was one of those stupid nights that my decision was poor and i regret it with all of my heart Especially that it put me in such a situation that i need to explain...
  5. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Koi Leen Steam ID: 76561197993079379 Ban ID (just the numbers): 15793 Ban Reason: G3.5 , G2.9 , C2.2 Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because i did a really stupid thing especially when i got nothing out of it I just being bored and was not...
  6. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    All i did is one night i decided i remove all of my characters expect my main one and move all the money i had (30k) to my main character instead of losing this money because im gonna remove them anyway and that's the most stupid decision i've made in my whole RP "career" (without actually a...
  7. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    Its not the full reasoning behind it ofcourse.. but its contributed into it for sure Its a mistake i should've not being doing in any circumstances especially as 10yo roleplayer  That's embarrassing and should've not happened at all !
  8. Rastafari

    Unban Appeal - Rastafari - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Rastafari  In-game Name: Koi Leen Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561197993079379 Ban ID: !!rpuk15793!! Reason given for your ban: G3.5 , G2.9 , C2.2 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because i did a really stupid thing especially when...
  9. Rastafari

    Bandz - Soon Home (Official Music Video)

    Missed ya man great one XD
  10. Rastafari

    Prevent placing people in locked vehicles.

    Oh im so feeling you had that several times and to be honest it is kind of powergaming.. anyway when you get cuffed you cant leave the car you need to be pulled out of the car
  11. Rastafari

    The Singh Family

    Cuzzys ma boizzzz ❤️
  12. Rastafari

    Phone 2.0

    Massive +1 , Great idea on the line !!!
  13. Rastafari

    Vehicle Handling Feedback

    The new Nissan GTR R35 needs a bit of speed boost and im pretty sure that its suits the A Class section (Racing Cars) Its feels terrible it stops at 130mph something around and the sound of the transmission just doesn't sits very well with the speed i would like to see it at least around...
  14. Rastafari


    "Who the fock is this guy?"
  15. Rastafari

    Report a player - 521 - GTA RP

    Report a player  Your In-game Name: Koi Leen Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: 521 Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP Date of the incident: 02/06/22 Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 1547 What best describes this incident ?: RVDM Please (in detail)...