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Recent content by RacingChavvy

  1. RacingChavvy

    Unban Appeal - RacingChavvy - GTA RP

    Good Afternoon, @Sammy I am doing well , hope you are as well. Id like to explain for a little bit of context as to why I didn't deem it serious at the time. Was because other then the Looc message asking if i was going to Rp there was no other Looc message to ask to come to Qe or anything...
  2. RacingChavvy

    Unban Appeal - RacingChavvy - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Paul Trapp Steam ID: 76561199471820931 Ban ID (just the numbers): 19133 Ban Reason: G 4.4 I was banned off a player report for Not roleplaying my injury's, And due to my ban conditions before i have ended up back at Appeals. Why do you think you were banned...
  3. RacingChavvy

    Report a player - 461 - GTA RP

    Good Morning, Alfie I can see from your clip it was "us" who shot first i was in talks with the officer hiding behind the bin i honestly didn't see we was the first to shoot as firearms arrived for that i apologize. Perspective is a big thing in this city and from my perspective we didn't...
  4. RacingChavvy

    Report a player - 461 - GTA RP

    Good Morning Custard, Hope you are well, Shame to see the a report here with no offer to come to Qe at all , You and your fire arms teamed turned up and just started shooting as per usual ., even though i had convinced one of your officers to get out from behind a bin I had no intention of...
  5. RacingChavvy

    Unban Appeal - RacingChavvy - GTA RP

    Good Morning, If the time comes when another rough spot happens i will handle it totally different, There are plenty of other avenues i can go down rather then repeat the same silly actions, Playing a different Character which i haven't really done before, or simply take a break. Although i...
  6. RacingChavvy

    Unban Appeal - RacingChavvy - GTA RP

    Good Evening @Sammy, I am well thank you for asking ! I hope all is well with you too. No i have not done this before. I have spoken about situations in discords after the fact, But i have never tabbed out in the middle of roleplay to provide information during an active Gunfights/Roleplay...
  7. RacingChavvy

    Unban Appeal - RacingChavvy - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Paul Trapp Steam ID: 76561199471820931 Ban ID (just the numbers): 17342 Ban Reason: G3.1 Why do you think you were banned: I believe I was banned for talking about an active roleplay situation, In a discord server. Which may have effected the course the...
  8. RacingChavvy

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    I Wasn't one of the Vagos that was taken i remained in the hospital along with Ronnie & JB. So cannot comment on this.
  9. RacingChavvy

    Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

    Good Evening hope everyone reading this is well, I am the lad who has the Gun on JD and was Shot First I would like to offer a response to Stuart, And reply to the lack of roleplay Statement while i admit it wasn't the greatest on our part. From entering the hospital Within 30 Seconds 3 of us...