I am tired, but bored so here is some random shit.
Ik = I
jij = you (single person)
Jullie = you (multiple people)
U = you (Polite form, mostly said to people who deserve respect e.g. elderly people)
Lopen = to walk
Gaan = to go
Houden van = to love/to like
Eten = to eat
Fietsen = to cycle (on a bycicle)
de Stoep = the Sidewalk
de winkel = the store
het eten = the food
de school(pronounced: s-g-ool) = the school
Jij loopt op de stoep = You walk on the sidewalk
Jullie lopen op de stoep = You walk on the sidewalk
Jij loopt... = You walk...
U loopt = You walk...
Ik ga niet naar school = I do not go to school
ik ga naar school = I go to school
Jullie gaan naar school = You go to school
U gaat naar school = You go to schooo
Jij gaat... = You go...
Ik hou van eten eten = I like to/love to eat food.
Jullie houden van eten eten = You like to/love to eat food
U houdt van eten eten = You like to/love to eat food
Ik eet een aardappel (ground appel) = I eat a potato
Jullie eten aardappelen = You eat potatoes
U eet... = You eat...
Jij eet... = You eat
Ik fiets naar de winkel = I cycle to the store
U fietst naar de winkel = You cycle to the store
Jullie fietsen naar de winkel = You cycle to the store
Jij fietst.... = You cycle...
In = in
Op = on(top of)
Naar = to
Voor = infront/for
Achter = Behind/back
Rechts = right
Links = left
Hoe gaat het met U? = How are you?(polite form)
Hoe gaat het met jou(Different form of 'jij')? = How are you?(normal form)
And now some sentences where the meaning of the word is dependent of the context...
Daanish houdt van pijpen = Daanish likes blowjobs / Daanish likes pipes
Daanish houdt van eten = Daanish likes to eat / Daanish loves food
Daanish houdt van bakken = Daanish likes to bake / Daanish likes trays/baskets
Ps. Ik hou heel veel van aardappelen
@DaanishJust some sentences especially for you <3
Jij bent raar maar aardig = You are weird but kind
Vermaak me = Entertain me
Ik verveel(often shortened to 'vvl' when typing) me = I am bored
Hou jij ook van aardappelen? = Do you also like potatoes?
Jouw hond is vet lief(Has a weird translation, but means something along: Kind, Nice & lovable. Combined into 1 word) = Your dog is very nice
Love you, Daanish
Be safe at school tomow!(if u have school)
Ik = I
jij = you (single person)
Jullie = you (multiple people)
U = you (Polite form, mostly said to people who deserve respect e.g. elderly people)
Lopen = to walk
Gaan = to go
Houden van = to love/to like
Eten = to eat
Fietsen = to cycle (on a bycicle)
de Stoep = the Sidewalk
de winkel = the store
het eten = the food
de school(pronounced: s-g-ool) = the school
Jij loopt op de stoep = You walk on the sidewalk
Jullie lopen op de stoep = You walk on the sidewalk
Jij loopt... = You walk...
U loopt = You walk...
Ik ga niet naar school = I do not go to school
ik ga naar school = I go to school
Jullie gaan naar school = You go to school
U gaat naar school = You go to schooo
Jij gaat... = You go...
Ik hou van eten eten = I like to/love to eat food.
Jullie houden van eten eten = You like to/love to eat food
U houdt van eten eten = You like to/love to eat food
Ik eet een aardappel (ground appel) = I eat a potato
Jullie eten aardappelen = You eat potatoes
U eet... = You eat...
Jij eet... = You eat
Ik fiets naar de winkel = I cycle to the store
U fietst naar de winkel = You cycle to the store
Jullie fietsen naar de winkel = You cycle to the store
Jij fietst.... = You cycle...
In = in
Op = on(top of)
Naar = to
Voor = infront/for
Achter = Behind/back
Rechts = right
Links = left
Hoe gaat het met U? = How are you?(polite form)
Hoe gaat het met jou(Different form of 'jij')? = How are you?(normal form)
And now some sentences where the meaning of the word is dependent of the context...
Daanish houdt van pijpen = Daanish likes blowjobs / Daanish likes pipes
Daanish houdt van eten = Daanish likes to eat / Daanish loves food
Daanish houdt van bakken = Daanish likes to bake / Daanish likes trays/baskets
Ps. Ik hou heel veel van aardappelen
@DaanishJust some sentences especially for you <3
Jij bent raar maar aardig = You are weird but kind
Vermaak me = Entertain me
Ik verveel(often shortened to 'vvl' when typing) me = I am bored
Hou jij ook van aardappelen? = Do you also like potatoes?
Jouw hond is vet lief(Has a weird translation, but means something along: Kind, Nice & lovable. Combined into 1 word) = Your dog is very nice
Love you, Daanish